Who's ready to come enjoy a night of moving your body with some Restorative Yoga & ending the night with a Guided Mediation & Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath??
I have teamed up with Claremont Yoga in downtown Claremont, California to offer you this amazing 2-fer event!!
Saturday July 20th, 2019
3:30-5:30 PM
From 3:30-4:30 PM come get your stretch on with Claremont Yoga's very own Nichole Riel!!
She will be leading us in an amazing Restorative #Yoga practice!
Then from 4:30-5:30 PM it will be my turn!
Get super relaxed as I Guide you in a #Meditation, and then finish off your night with the serene sounds of my Crystal Singing Bowls!!
What to expect with Restorative Yoga...
Postures sometimes done with props (blankets, bolsters, chairs, etc.) and held for a longer time which allows the body and nervous system to deeply relax.
Benefits of Mediation & Sound Healing...
Relaxed state of mind
Improves health
Emotional stability
Cleanse & Align your Chakra's
Brings about peace & harmony within body
Lowers Stress, Blood Pressure & Cholesterol
Improves Sleep
Removes Anxiety & Depression
Decreases & Removes pain from the body
PTSD Relief
Reach a state of bliss and positivity
Only $35 per person!
Register online, but don't wait...Spots are Limited !!!
204 N. Yale Ave, 2nd Floor
Claremont, Ca 91711
Yoga Mat
Positive Outlook
Looking forward to sharing a peacefully, magickal.... #SoundBath Saturday with You Soon!
If you know of anyone who could benefit from this event... please feel free to pass it on, as sharing is caring!
Sending You...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305