Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Sign Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter
Expect: Optimistic, Seeing the best in people, Spirituality, Inspiring, Happy Go Lucky, Honesty, Frank & Openness.
Watch Out For: Argumentative, Impatient, Preachy, Critical.
Moon Age: 29.5 days
Visibility: 0.0%
Phase: Maiden/New Moon
Wheel of the Year: Samhain 10/31 (Yule Coming 12/21)
Other Energies: Total Solar Eclipse, Uranus in Retro (8/15- 1/1/21)
Crystal Suggestions: Smokey Quartz/Sodalite

Hello Dear MoonLight and Happy New Moon!!
Welcome to the month of December!!
I hope this month has started off just right for you!!?
By time you read this, I will be officially be in Arizona !!
We are so super excited to start this new chapter in our life!
Again, I do appreciate your patients as we get settled in our new space.
My services will be back in operation again soon!! Stay tuned for more info soon!
With these Witchy Weird times... it's best to be as self reliant as possible!
Are you looking for gift ideas this Christmas???
Order for your Family & Friends my book called "Heal Yourself Holistically"!!
This is a guide book on how to work with Herbs & Crystals to heal your ailments.
2 forms available!! Paper back book version, or Ebook!
Plus, if you have a Kindle Unlimited account... you can download my book for FREE!!
Order Online on Amazon!
Last New Moon in 2020!
So here we are, the LAST New Moon of 2020!!
It's defiantly the best time to plant those seeds of intention... especially before the new year!! perfect timing!
Take some time tonight to write in your journal the things you wish to accomplish!!
Not only do we have the energy of the New Moon, but we also have a total Solar Eclipse to accompany it as well.
So... let's dive deep into all the energy we will be experiencing!!
What to Expect When The Full Moon is in Sagittarius...
Tonight will be one of stability and feeling right where you should be. It's a time of calm and orderly feelings. People tend to follow rules and routines when the Moon is in Sagittarius. You will be drawn to receiving and giving advice and recommendations.
Interests in social life and one's place in society will increase tonight. As well as the desire for more stable & comfortable life.
Take time to continue your education, it's a good night to give and receive knowledge with others, and help find the answers your in search of.
People Born When The Moon is in Sagittarius...
Lots of pride will be present as well as a tendency to seem vain. Often with the attitude of cocky, they like to let others know they are always right!
These things are not bad qualities, it's just something to be aware of so when you notice these things creeping up, you can adjust your behavior.
You enjoy to teach others, and long for new knowledge yourself.
Deep down, you are generous, and have a huge heart...wanting to share and give easily. Success in your career is of great importance to you.
Total Solar Eclipse...
Tis' the last Eclipse of 2020 !!
In order to see this Eclipse... you would need to travel! This Total Solar Eclipse will not be seen from the United States this time around.
Solar Eclipse's happen when the Earth, Moon & Sun form a perfectly straight line whereby the Moon completely obscures the disc of the Sun. The results are a dramatic reveal of the Sun's corona!
The Eclipse will take place on December 14th, 2020 with the first signs of it starting at @5:33 am.
This Solar Eclipse will see it's maximum strength at 8:13 am.
And, the last location to be able to see a partial Solar Eclipse will be at 10:53 am.
If you are in the areas who will see it.. your time/day to view the eclipse will differ. Do a search online to find out more info.
So, Who are the lucky ones to see this Solar Eclipse event??
A few areas that will get to see this event are:
Chile (you will see the Total Solar Eclipse in the afternoon)
Argentina (some parts of Argentina will see the Total Solar Eclipse in the afternoon)
South America (you will see a partial Solar Eclipse)
South West Africa (you will see a partial Solar Eclipse)
Antartica (you will be a partial Solar Eclipse)
What will a Solar Eclipse bring Energetically...
Astrologically speaking, the Sun is the planet that governs our goals, desires, and focus. It's what we project outward for others to see. It's all about our personality and self expression and how we interact with the world around us.
The energy brought on by the Solar Eclipse is one that provokes change externally. It's a time that will force us to find a different path or goal if it's not in aliment for our highest good.
All Solar Eclipse Energy is Positive, the Sun is all about positivity and optimism! It's a time that you might be feeling a draw towards new things.. and you might take on these new things before you actually feel "ready" for it!
This Solar Eclipse will show you just how ready you really are!! It's all about knowing you got this... believing in ourselves and knowing that the Universe, Mister Sun, and Luna won't let you down!!
We can create the dreams and wishes we desire! As these changes come your way!! Be ready to greet them with an open mind and with open arms!!
Upcoming Eclipse's in 2021
ECLIPSES in 2021
May 26th, 2021 Total Lunar Eclipse
June 10th, 2021 Annular Solar Eclipse
Nov. 19th, 2021 Partial Lunar Eclipse
Dec. 4th, 2021 Total Solar Eclipse
Crystal Suggestions...
The following Crystals are most beneficial to work with when the Moon is in Sagittarius.
If you are a Sun/Star Sign in Sagittarius, these Crystals will also be of benefit for you to work with. They will balance you out, allowing the positive within your sign to be amplified and the negative to be less of an affect on you.
Smokey Quartz
Amazing for grounding and protection, this Crystal is a perfect pick for a Sagittarius to feel supported and grounded.

Smokey Quartz has the amazing ability to transmute negative energy into positive, perfect for the doubts that might sneak up on the Sagittarians.
Sodalite Allow Sodalite to help give guidance in figuring out the path your meant to be on.

Sometimes it's hard for Sagittarius to commit to things, it can help focus that energy in to a single direction for you and strengthen your intuition as to which direction is meant for you on a Soul level.
Wishing you a magickal night of manifesting!!
Sending You...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"