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Writer's pictureBridget M. Shoup

New Moon in Scorpio~October 27th, 2019

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Sign Element: Water

Planet: Pluto

Moon Age: 28.7

Visibility: 0.8%

Phase: New/Maiden

Wheel of the Year:Mabon (Coming Soon: Samhain 10/31)

Crystal Suggestions: Labradorite & Malachite

Other Energies:Uranus in Retrograde till 1/1 (Coming Soon: Mercury 10/31)

Happy New Moon in Scorpio Dear MoonLights!!

Can you believe this month is already coming to a close???

Time is flyin'!

Tonight is the best night to cultivate the things you'd like to grow in your life!! What do you want to bring into your physical existence??

New Moon is purrrrfect for planting those seeds of intention! Working with the Lunar energy and the Universe you are able to create and bring so many amazing things into your time space reality!

The Basics:

Write in your journal what it is you'd like.

Read it aloud of the Universe & Lovely Lady Luna.

Get manifesting... know that you must put your best foot forward and do you part to make things happen for you!!

Take notes in your journal and watch how fast it is to actually manifest things!!

If you would like assistance in doing a New Moon or Full Moon Ritual...

I come to YOU Via FaceTime or Skype. Register Online or contact me today!

Upcoming Events...

1st let me say a HUGE Thank you to the lovely Souls who attended my last Sound Bath

(last night 10/26). It was an amazing night full of self love, releasing, and improving ourselves!!

It brings me so much joy to be able to share these gifts with you !!

Honestly, it got me thinking... and my Guides lead me to this idea....

"Thankful Sound Bath"

My gift to YOU for allowing me to share my life's purpose of assisting others!!

I decided to offer my next Sound Bath ... F R E E !!!

Yep, you read that right... FREE!

Now it's your turn, who are you thankful for?? Bring as many people as you'd like to share this amazing healing with!!

Onward to our Moon Energy Report...

What to expect when the New Moon is in Scorpio...

Be ready for a bit of an emotional roller coaster ride!!

Sensitivity will increase during this time and our emotions will be running high!

Knowing this will help eliminate issues that could arise. Don't get swept away by irritability, mood swings. Things might excite you a lot or not at all.... (roller coaster) It's a time that you will be more aware of yourself and your actions, but you will also take note of others as well! This is a good time for some self-analysis and self improvement. Correct your bad habits as you see them appear! When we take action on correcting ourselves, not only do we become the better versions of ourselves...but we also improve the world around us!

People born when the Moon is in Scorpio...

You will be affected by the above A LOT!! You have a tendency to be hyper, and can sometimes be hysterical with rapid mood changes. You are quite emotional...which comes as no surprise as you are a water sign after all! You have a need to express your emotions opening to stay balanced. Sometimes you put off the vibe that your a pessimist or even cynical. Knowing these things will help you address them and not overly react to them. Even though you can sometimes let your emotions get the better of you, you are very excellent at self analysis and are always working on self improvement...which comes easily for you!

Crystal Suggestions...

The following Crystals are most beneficial to work with when the Moon is in Scorpio.

If you are a Sun/Star Sign in Scorpio, these Crystals will also be of benefit for you to work with. They will balance you out, allowing the positive within your sign to be amplified and the negative to be less of an affect on you.


Bringing about the ability to recall the things you have learned, plus getting in sync with your

Intuition is also in the forefront when working with Labradorite. This Crystal will bring about transformation and and personal power, as well as balance in your life.


Releasing toxins from the body is the name of Malachite's game! It especially is healing for the heart.

Scorpios have the tendency to take things to heart and hold things in! Malachite will assist you in your physical and also emotional (heart) healing.

Well my Dear Ones... here's to an amazing New Moon Night!!

Sending You...

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M. Shoup

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305

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