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Writer's pictureBridget M. Shoup

New Moon in Pisces~Feb. 23rd, 2020

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Astrological Sign: Pisces

Sign Element: Water

Planet: Neptune

Expect: Loving, caring, shy ,helpful, creative, understanding of others.

Watch Out For: Self pity, dependent, losing touch w/reality, depressive.

Moon Age: 0.2 Days

Visibility: 0.0%

Phase: New Moon/Dark Moon/Maiden

Wheel of the Year: Imbolc/Ostara (March 21st)

Other Energies: Mercury in Retrograde (2/17 - 3/10)

Crystal Suggestions: Bloodstone/Blue Laced Agate/Jade

Happy New Moon in Pisces Dear MoonLights!!

We are bringing Feb. to a close here real soon!! Time is a flying!!

February has been a super amazing month for me!!

A few exciting things happened... one, my Book ("Crystal Clear Enlightenment") officially published!!


I had a super amazing Sound Bath on the 15th (the day after hearts day!)

To everyone who came out to my Sound Bath in Feb.... Thank you for attending!! You guys already know b/c you where there... but when you come to my events, it allows me to live my life's purpose...So thank you!!

I hope your February has been magickal!

Upcoming Events:

If you missed this months Sound Bath...never fear... we have another one real near!

Next Sound Bath will help put a spring back in your step!!

Check out "Ignite Your Flame" Sound Bath!!

We will be working with the Solar Plexus to energize you and help cultivate some good old positive energy as you move onward in our Spring season ahead!

I try to make it as affordable as I can, at only $20 per person!!

It will be on:

Saturday March 14th

5:00-6:00 PM

My Book:

"Crystal Clear Enlightenment" Released on Feb. 2nd, 2020

If you would like to get a signed copy, or one in person... contact me directly for more information!! I have a limited supply available and will have them with me at my Sound Baths!

Or... you can always order one online on Amazon!

I want to say a special THANK YOU to everyone who has ordered your books or bought one from me in person!! Your support means the world to me!

This is just another way to help assist others on their Spiritual Growth and I'm excited to be sharing my knowledge all in one place! Thank you again!

So...let's talk about this Months New Moon Energy!!

New Moon is all about setting intentions for what you'd like to accomplish in the month ahead!!

What dreams, wishes and goals do you have for yourself???

Time to plant seeds of intention!!

Take the time to do a New Moon Ritual and write it down!! Allow Lady Luna and the Universe to help you along the way!!

It's the beginning of the Moon Cycle! What ever it is we think of on this the 1st Lunar day...good or bad will come into fruition! Be aware of your thoughts and intentions!

If you are curious on how to do Moon Rituals... my NEW book has all this info. and more!!

What to Expect When The New Moon is in Pisces...

Get ready for feeling of romance and heightened intuition! When the Moon is in Pisces you will feel more mystical and wanting to learn more about the unknown.

Take note as people around you (as well as yourself) will become more sentimental, soft, and tender in their actions. You will notice people speaking kind words as well.

You will be feeling that you understand the hidden meaning of life, events and things.

During this time, you will feel drawn to art, poetry and music...enjoy tapping into that aspect. Do what ever makes your Soul sing!

People Born When the Moon is in Pisces...

You will be affected very strongly by the above information. You are blessed with a strong connection to your intuition. You are one who lives a rich inner life and often have amazing abilities ready to come forward!

Pisces Moon babies are great learners, very patient and always ready to help others.

You have been drawn to music, and many Pisces become great musicians.

Crystal Suggestions...

The following Crystals are most beneficial to work with when the Moon is in Pisces. If you are in Sun/Star Sign of Pisces, these Crystals will also be of benefit for you to work with. They will balance you out, allowing the positive within your sign to be amplified and the negative to be less of an affect on you.

Bloodstone: Working with Bloodstone will help balance out the emotional side of the Pisces.

If your feeling overwhelmed or too emotional....reach for Bloodstone to help assit you tone it down a bit.

It will also help ground you, as Bloodstone has a very strong Earth connection.

Blue Laced Agate: Calming and stabilizing!! This lovely Blue Laced Friend will help assist you when emotions are running high.

It will also help you in communication with yourself and others. This lovely Crystal will also give you hope and peace, releasing any worries you might have.

Jade: Allow some additional love and support in your life with Jade!

It will help assist you if your feeling a bit stuck right now and are unsure of taking the next steps! Jade will provide you with longevity and stability as you make your way onward to your goals and dreams. It will also promote good luck and abundance to come your way!

Other Energies...

From Feb. 17th- March 10th we have our 1st planet go into retrograde for 2020...

and it's... Mercury!

Just being aware of this will help you gain more insight and patience moving forward!

When Mercury is in Retrograde we tend to have communication issues with others, it's also a time where things are delayed or we might notice issues with our electronic devices. Just know this will only be temporary, and remember that we have the power in how we react to the situations that come our way!

If you'd like to learn more about it...CLICK HERE.

As always... I'm wishing you the most magickal New Moon!!

Sending You..

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M. Shoup

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305

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