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New Moon in Libra~Sept. 28th, 2019

Writer's picture: Bridget M. ShoupBridget M. Shoup

Astrological Sign: Libra

Sign Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Moon Age: 29.4

Visibility: 0.0%

Phase: New/Maiden

Wheel of the Year: Mabon

Crystal Suggestions: Lepidolite, Rose Quartz

Happy New Moon Dear MoonLights!!

Can you believe October is just around the corner!?

It is most certainly my favorite month!! I love watching the lovely leaves fall and turn lovely shades!

What is your favorite time to year?

I have been busy tying up loose ends on my upcoming book!! I can't WAIT to share it with you guys soon!! After my 3rd and final edit, I can now move on to figuring out my cover art for the book!! It's super fun getting this all put together and it has been flowing so nicely!! I really am thrilled and look forward to sharing more info. about it in the coming months!

With our New Moon, it's the perfect time to start making your dreams come true too!

What do you want to cultivate in your life right now??? That is the magick behind the New Moon!! It's all about planting those seeds of intention!! Your dreams, wishes and goals that you have been wanting to manifest into the physical.... this is the day to make it happen!

With the power of Lady Luna and the Universe you can create some amazing things!! I'm proof.... by taking time to work with the amazing Lunar energies, I have brought into my physical reality so many super things!

Take the time to make it happen!

It's quite simple, just write down in a journal the things you wish to bring into your physical reality! Of course you must do your due diligence to make it happen, but with the Lunar Energy having your back... it will happen so much easier!

There is a bit more to it of course. If you need gudiance.. I do offer New Moon Guided rituals where I come to you LIVE via FaceTime/Skype. Click the picture to book.

Upcoming Events...

I have some exciting events coming up in October that I want to share in case you missed it!

1st up... Crystal Elixir & Grid CLASS

Saturday Oct. 12th from 4:00-6:00 PM

in Rancho Cucamonga

Only $25 per person!

Have you ever wondered how and why you would want to work with Crystal Elixir & Grids? Well this class will answer that and so so much more!

I will teach you how to make both!! You will leave feeling confident enough to make Elixir & Grids for yourself!!

Limited to 8 Spots and spaces are filling up FAST, so don't wait to register!!

Next Up... is my .....

"Outstanding October Sound Bath" !!

Saturday October 26th, from 5:00-6:00 PM

Back by popular demand and for those of you who missed it last month!!

@ InnerWorks Wellness Center

1306 N. Monte Vista Ave. #8

Upland, Ca 91786

Only $20 per person!

After last months Sound Bath, and with such great feedback from those who attended... I decided to do another Sound Bath just for you!

This hour long detoxifying, relaxing holistic health modality will definitely set you up for an amazing Fall season ahead!

Enjoy a Guided Mediation & Sound Bath...leaving you feeling balanced, at peace, relaxed, rejuvenated and more positive moving forward. I'm looking forward to sharing the good vibes with you soon!

Want to learn more benefits Meditation & Sound Baths offer? Click below for more info!

Now... let's take a peek at the amazing Lunar Energy we have with this months New Moon!

Today will be a day of creative thinking! It's a very magickal time, it might come fast so react when it does!

As the 1st day of the new Lunar cycle, remember what ever it is you can dream and think up... weather good or bad have the potential to become your reality! So pay attention to your thoughts today!

With to Expect When The Full Moon is in Libra...

A sense of calmness and harmony will be the feelings today! Conflict is less possible and we easily connect to people, and compromise. It's easier to understand and relate to others during this time. Tonight will be an easier time to forgive and forget!

You will notice people being more polite and diplomatic, and won't be in the mood to argue!

Today is the best day for meetings and negotiations. Also wonderful for improving relationships and finding solutions to problems that have arose in the recent past. With all that being said, it's good to keep in mind that there could be some indecisiveness during this time as well. Today might be a difficult one when it comes to making important decisions. If you can wait a few days past the Full Moon, it's advised.

People Born When The Moon is in Libra...

You are a diplomat! Super artistic and have great taste, people usually come to you for your validation on things. You enjoy poetry and are very good at that as well. You are the type of person who enjoys balance and harmony in your life. You strive to find that harmony and will do everything in your power to keep that way. The above information will affect you heavily today.

Crystal Suggestions...

The following Crystals are most beneficial to work with when the Moon is in Libra.

If you are a Sun/Star Sign in Libra, these Crystals will also be of benefit for you to work with. They will balance you out, allowing the positive within your sign to be amplified and the negative to be less of an affect on you.

Lepidolite: Allow this lovely

Crystal to relax you and help keep you in balance.

Great when going through a time of transition, dissolving tension and stress.

Rose Quartz: Unconditional Love is what Rose Quartz is all about.

Allowing you to increase your good positive energy and to keep that peaceful, relaxing and loving environment.

Wishing you the most magickal fall season and October!!

Have a fantastic New Moon Night!!

Sending You...

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M. Shoup

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305



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