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New Moon in Cancer & Total Solar Eclipse ~ July 2nd, 2019

Writer's picture: Bridget M. ShoupBridget M. Shoup

Updated: Jul 2, 2019

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Sign Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Moon Age: 29.3 Days

Visibility: 0.1%

Phase: New Moon/Dark Moon/Maiden

Wheel of the Year: Litha

Other Energies: Total Solar Eclipse, Jupiter, Pluto,Saturn & Neptune in Retrograde

Crystal Suggestions: Moonstone, Carnelian

Happy New Moon in Cancer Dear MoonLights!!!

Oh boy oh boy...we are onward to the month of July !!

Today will be one of great energy surrounding us, as we have officially come into Eclipse Season!!

We get to experience a Total Solar Eclipse today (July 2nd) !

Even though here in Southern California we won't physically get to see the Total Solar Eclipse... just know, the energy is still there and effects the whole world regardless of your location. More on all that later on in this post!

Before we get into this Moon's Energy, I wanted to thank you for all your continued support!! June was a month where I had a few different events happen!! I had my class..."Crystal Healing, Fur Babies & Beyond" on June 8th. Then on the past Full Moon (June 17th) I teamed up with my long time friend Tracy over at "InnerWorks Wellness Center" in Upland, Ca for a Full Moon Workshop!! It was packed full of Lunar Information, Kundalini Yoga, Meditation & of course a Sound Bath with Gongs & Crystal Singing Bowls!! So much magickal fun!

Tracy Tierney & I @ InnerWorks~Upland, CA . Full Moon WorkShop 6.17.19

It was a super powerful and amazing night and it really filled me with so much joy and excitement to share that with you!!

If you missed is a sneak peek at just a minute of our Gong + Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath!

Mark Your Calendars...

I'm also super thrilled to announce...

I will be teaming up with Claremont Yoga (Claremont, Ca) to offer you a super new workshop were you get to experience Restorative Yoga with Nicole Riel & My Sound Bath, with my full 7 Crystal Singing Bowls!!

More information will be going out about this soon...but if this sounds interesting to you...

Mark your Calendars for Saturday July 20th, 2019 from 3:30-5:30 PM ($35 per person)!

Ok...onward to some #MoonEnergy/Solar Eclipse Info!!

What to Expect When The Full Moon is in Cancer...

Get ready for a night full of sensitivity! When the Moon is in Cancer, it's a time we get a bit deeper into our inner-self and connect more with our emotions. During this time, you will feel drawn to pay more attention to your inner or Soul desires. Make sure you don't rush with decisions today, take it easy and if you need to...just wait to make any big decisions for a few days. Enjoy a bit of time relaxing and enjoying some things that bring your comfort.

People Born When The Moon is in Cancer...

You will be strongly affected by the above energies! You are a sensitive individual and have a very developed sense of intuition. Dreamer, Romantic are a few words that some people might describe you as. People who are born under the Cancer Moon are very kind and caring people. On the flip side, you tend to get crabby or moody easier than some. There is nothing wrong with this, it's just best to know these then you can adjust things as you see disturbances come up.

Total Solar Eclipse...

Tis the first Eclipse of this season!!

So, Who are the lucky ones to see this Total Solar Eclipse event??

If you live in Chile or Argentina your in luck! Some regions in the Pacific and in South America will also get to see the Solar Eclipse!

Ecuador, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay are others locations that will get to see it!

Eclipses always come in pairs!! They are buddies and one follows another! For example, we will have this Solar Eclipse on 7/2/19 and it will be followed by a Partial Lunar Eclipse on 7/16/19.

A #SolarEclipse occurs when the Moon crosses and blocks 100% of the Sun. A Total Solar Eclipse (Last one seen in the US was Aug. 21, 2017) In 2018, we didn't have any Total Solar Eclipses.

Even though we won't get to see it here in the United States, the energy is still present for all!

Make sure you take advantage of this extra powerful punch of energy to recharge your Crystal Babies!! When the Moon and the Sun are in alignment with each other, the boost of energy they will bring your Crystals will be most noticeable and they will thank you for that!!!



ECLIPSES in 2019

Jan. 5th, 2019 Partial Solar Eclipse

Jan. 21st, 2019 Total Lunar Eclipse

July 2nd, 2019 Total Solar Eclipse

July 16th, 2019 Partial Lunar Eclipse

Dec. 26th, 2019 Annular Solar Eclipse

ECLIPSES in 2020

Jan. 10th, 2020 Lunar Eclipse

June 5th, 2020 Lunar Eclipse

June 21st, 2020 Solar Eclipse

July 4th, 2020 Lunar Eclipse

Nov. 29th/30th, 2020 Lunar Eclipse

Dec. 14th, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse

What will a Solar Eclipse bring Energetically...

Astrologically speaking, the Sun is the planet that governs our goals, desires, and focus. It's what we project outward for others to see. It's all about our personality and self expression and how we interact with the world around us.

The energy brought on by the Solar Eclipse is one that provokes change externally. It's a time that will force us to find a different path or goal if it's not in aliment for our highest good. All Solar Eclipse Energy is Positive, the Sun is all about positivity and optimism! It's a time that you might be feeling a draw towards new things.. and you might take on these new things before you actually feel "ready" for it! This Solar Eclipse will show you just how ready you really are!! It's all about knowing you got this... believing in ourselves and knowing that the Universe and Luna won't let you down!! We can create the dreams and wishes we desire! As these changes come your way!! Be ready to greet them with an open mind and with open arms!!

Crystal Suggestions...

The following Crystals are most beneficial to work with when the Moon is in Cancer. If you are in Sun/Star Sign of Cancer, these Crystals will also be of benefit for you to work with. They will help balance you out, allowing the positive within your sign to be amplified and the negative to be less of an affect on you.


Get more insync with the Lunar energy by working with Moonstone, helping achieve better balance within you loving Cancer. It will also enhance your intuition and psychic development.


Bringing more balance and grounding to the emotional Caner is what Carnelian is all about!

It's amazing for inspiring creativity and will help keep you motivated and energized as you continent to manifest your dreams and wishes.

Take time this #NewMoon to set your intentions!!

This is the time to plant the seeds..what do you want to grow??

As we head into July, I'm sending you lots of positive vibes to continue to follow your dreams and make them come true!!

Sending You...

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M. Shoup

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305



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