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New Moon in Aries~March 24th, 2020

Writer: Bridget M. ShoupBridget M. Shoup

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Astrological Sign: Aries

Sign Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Expect: Energy, Taking on new challenges, helping others achieve dreams, taking leadership

Watch Out For: Not listening to others, jealously, be careful how you say things (brashness)

Moon Age: 29.5 Days

Visibility: 0.0%

Phase: New Moon/Dark Moon/Maiden

Wheel of the Year: Ostara

Crystal Suggestions: Hematite/Citrine

Happy New Moon Dear MoonLights,

This is a much needed New Moon, with all the shifts in consciousness right now!

New Moon is a time to ask for and work toward the things that we want to have manifest in our life!!

What dreams and goals do you have? This is the time to put it into action!! The New Moon and Lady Luna will help it come into your reality quicker...if you take the time to do your ritual work and ASK! If your not sure how to do a New Moon Ritual... you can pick up my book "Crystal Clear Enlightenment" where I explain in detail how to do it!! Or, you can book your one on one session where I guide you through it!

Not only can you ask for personal dreams and goals, but you can also ask for Universe change as well. During this time, I plan on asking for the Universe to come out of this CV situation with less of a scar!

The more that we as a collective think of this situation in a different way, the more easier this transition will be. We all need to focus on love!! We are all one on this planet, and if this didn't make you realize it before.. think about it now! Whatever we project outwards, comes back to us...always!! How we treat others is a reflection back to us. So, when your out in the stores and you notice someone needs help reaching something....or you pass someone by, help them.. and SMILE at them because we are ALL in this together!

Continue to focus on what you can control, your emotions and reactions to the situations your faced with. Look for the positive in all your experiences and more lovely things will follow!

Join Me.. .

Please join me Tuesday March 24th as I offer a FREE Guided Meditation & Sound Bath LIVE on FaceBook & InstaGram!!

I will go live at 1:30 PM

Looking forward to sharing some New Moon Vibrations with you soon!!

I for one...have NOT let CV stop me!!

I'm grateful to everyone who came out to my last sound bath on March 14th!! We had an amazing turn out and it was much needed for ALL (myself included)!!

Not only did I get the opportunity to share my sound healing on Saturday... but the very next day Sunday, March 15th.... I was able to do a private engagement as well!!

Again, so grateful for so many like minded Souls! It's so lovey to all come together to heal our mind, body and souls!!

The more we can work on becoming the better version of us, the easier it will be to be able to give love and assistance to others!

Thank you everyone for continuing to support the events I do, and also... for taking the time to love yourself!

Upcoming Events & Specials...

I still plan on doing my next Sound Bath "Let Love In" on Saturday April 18th, 2020 !!

We could ALL need more LOVE, especially right now!

Only $20 per person!!

As of right now, it will still be held at InnerWorks Wellness Center. I will keep you updated if anything changes as far as location goes, but it WILL happen!!

Sound Baths are an excellent time to let go and remove the things that no longer serve you! They relieve stress, anxiety, depression, and allows your body to heal!

Current Special

Have you always wondered more about what your Soul's desires?? Want to understand your life's purpose? Need more insight to opportunities and challenges that will be coming your way?

Then a Numerology Reading is FOR YOU!!

Now offering a discount of $20 off (original price $80) till April 4th!

I come to you via FaceTime/Skype to explain all my findings!

Book online with coupon code: Numbers

or text me to book (909) 851-4305

Ok... onward to our Moon Energy Report...

What to Expect When The New Moon Is In Aries...

A time of conflict will be present when the Moon is in Aries. Emotional tensions are likely to grow during this time and people become a bit more impulsive and short tempered. Being aware of these things will help us in how we react.

Fearlessness will be at the forefront during this time and you will notice you and others will be more open to taking action when extreme situations arise.

It will be a time where it is easy to rid yourself of old issues that no longer serve you.

You will feel a sense of freedom and things that had bothered you from before won't matter anymore, which will allow you to move more freely though out the month.

During this time, it's advised to make sure to practice self control and limit your exposure to stress. Meditation and Yoga will really benefit you right now.

People Born When The Moon is in Aries...

Fearless, decisive, impulsive, raw and sometimes arrogant (hey if you know, you can work on adjusting it, right?). You are the type of person who likes to change the whole world to your liking! When you don't accomplish such tasks, you take it pretty personal and don't like failing!

You are easily excited and swept with emotions. You fall in love deep and take on any new business that sounds good to you at the time.

At the same can tend to loose interests pretty fast in both, getting disappointed and will switch your attention on to something else.

Extreme situations don't phase the Aries, you have lots of boundless energy which allows you to push through anything that comes your way. You get bored pretty fast with routine type work and you are always looking for the next adventure and excitement in your life!

Crystal Suggestions...

The following Crystals are most beneficial to work with when the Moon is in Aries. If you are in Sun/Star Sign of Aries, these Crystals will also be of benefit for you to work with. They will help balance you out, allowing the positive within your sign to be amplified and the negative to be less of an affect on you.

Hematite: Allow Grounding and Protection with the lovely Hematite! Aries are one to always be on the go,

so this lovely Crystal will allow them to regenerate their energy and connect better to their strengthen within. Hematite will assist you with extra support and balance.

Citrine: Known as the "Stone of Success" this little guy packs a powerful punch!! Giving you self confidence, energy, and

stimulates your mind/body/spirit. Enhancing the intellectual side of the Aries, and encouraging a more open minded perspective...while also learning energetic blocks.

I'm wishing you an amazing New Moon Night!!

Remember to cleanse your Crystal Friends and set them out for a recharge under the Moon tonight!!

Sending You...

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M.Shoup, CMP

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305



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