Well... this year has definitely taken some twists and turns for everyone!
All is well, and things always happen for reasons!!
As you know, I started my Chakra Sound Bath Series in January 2020!!
After my March session (Solar Plexus-"Ignite Your Flame") on March 14th.... the studio I was renting had to also discontinue services.
On top of that, I was super bummed to hear that same lovely studio I was renting... InnerWorks Wellness Center, closed their physical doors due to the economic shut down! I do want to take a moment to thank them for allowing me into their space!!
While we had this "break" I decided I wasn't going to let a silly shut down stop me from spreading love and healing to others.
So...I did a FREE Sound Bath on April 30th, 2020!!
It was so refreshing to be able to do my Sound Baths again!!
As much as I know you enjoy them, I need them for me personally too!
I want to thank all the lovely Souls who came out that day to share in good vibrations!

I have been ready to get back to my Sound Baths sooner than even this month!!
But, I was on a hunt to find my next "home" and I'm happy to announce.... I found it!!
I will now be finishing out my Chakra Sound Bath Series at Z-Ultimate Self Defense Studio in Upland !!!
Keep reading on to learn all about my upcoming Sound Bath as we continue onward in my Series!
Again, I appreciate your continued patience as I have navigated the shifts and changes!
Here we are now in July... and this month is all about
"Let Love In "!!

Time to tune into our Heart Chakra!!!
This Month we will focus on the Heart Chakra!!
How to know if your Heart Chakra is off balance???
Not able to forgive & forget
Dwelling on past relationships
Having trust issues
Feeling shy and closed off from others
Bottling up your emotions
Struggling with commitment issues
Procrastinating when it comes to relationships
Feeling anxious and stressed
Pushing others away
Putting yourself LAST!
My upcoming Sound Bath can help counteract the issues of imbalance!
You are Invited...
Please Note... NEW LOCATION & TIME
~Chakra Sound Bath Series~
"Let Love In "
Saturday July 25th, 2020
4:00-5:00 PM
912 Monte Vista Ave.
Upland, Ca 91786
Cost: $20 per person
Register: Click Here
It's Detox Time!!
With all the crazy energy we have all been faced with, it's time to reboot that heart center!!
Self Love is the best love you can get!!
It's Your Time to find balance & positivity in your life again!!
Self-Love time is not selfish!! It's a way we can fill our cup up with good positive energy, thus allowing us to share our over flow with those around us!
What to Expect:
My "Let Love In" Sound Bath will help you cultivate self love..allowing you to enhance your ability to give and receive love!
You will feel more loved, relaxed, and at peace.
This is the BEST way to detox your energetic body!!
My Session...
I will be guiding you in my special Meditation to help bring your Heart Chakra into alignment!
Then immediately following that, you get to enjoy my Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath!!
Wondering what the benefits of a Sound Bath are?? CLICK HERE What to Bring:
Yoga Mat
Chair (if not wanting to lay on ground) *chairs are available upon request*
A Positive Open Mind
**Please plan to arrive 10 mins early to fill out required paperwork for this event!**
I always start off my Sound Baths by playing my tongue drum!!
I invite you to get completely comfortable, and then we begin!
Spaces are LIMITED so don't wait to sign up today !!
I will also have a limited supply of my NEWEST Book "Heal Yourself Holistically" available for purchase!! Only $15 each. See me after the session to get yours!!
Looking forward to sharing some amazing vibrational Magick with you soon!! If you have any questions, feel free to either comment below or contact me!! Sending You... Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305