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Full Moon in Taurus~ Nov. 12th, 2019

Writer's picture: Bridget M. ShoupBridget M. Shoup

Astrological Sign: Taurus

Sign Element: Earth

Planet: Venus

Moon Age: 15.2 Days

Visibility: 99.8%

Phase: Full Moon/Mother

Season/Moon Name: Snow, Tree, Beaver Moon

Wheel of the Year: Samhain

Crystal Suggestions: Jade & Rhodonite

Happy Full Moon in Taurus Dear MoonLights!!

We are coming closer and closer to the year drawing to the end!!

Amazing how 2019 went so fast!

I would 1st like to Thank everyone who came out to my "Thankful Sound Bath" on Sunday Nov. 10th!! We had an amazing turn out, and it was so awesome to be able to share this gift free to all of you!

I had 28 amazing Souls attend, plus a sweet Dog!!

It's always so rewarding when you follow the messages that Spirit sends you!!

As I was "downloading" (what I call messages from my Guides) the information about doing this free Sound Bath. I was looking for a place to host this event! I felt it would be so neat to do it outdoors in the elements! So, I started to scout local parks!

I ended up at Milliken Park in Rancho Cucamonga. Upon arriving I started to walk around to find the best spot! I saw this really beautiful tree that was giving off a huge amount of shade and started to walk towards it! As soon as I got closer.... what falls from the sky??? I White Feather!!

There were NO birds in the sky or in the trees around me!! I knew right then, that was my sign!! That my Guides said.."YES" this is the spot!!

As I continued to explore this location that my Guides agreed with, I started to walk into the shade of this lovely tree.... I couldn't believe me eyes!!

There were a massive amount of feather!!

I ended up counting 20!

I honestly was in shock... it was like "X" marks the spot!! There was no denying that this WAS THE SPACE!!

I had to take a video to document it because I was so just happy to receive these messages!

It's always to rewarding to follow those impulses ... listen to your Guides and the message you receive, and the Universe will deliver!

My Guides assured me they would "reserve" this spot for me! You see this was a spot that you could rent for parties! I believe them whole heartily, and to my happy delight.... the space was in fact reserved for ME! THANK YOU Guides & Universe!

I want to give a shout out to everyone who has followed me this year and who have supported and have attended my Sound baths this year! It fills me with so much happiness and love to be able to share these amazing holistic healing gifts with you!

A special THANK YOU going to out my Daughter and side kick, Kelsey!! She is always there to help me set up, sign everyone in, and help me clean up!! I couldn't do it without her assistance, and I appreciate her for that!! So THANK YOU... Love you baby!

More Sound Baths to Come...

I'm looking forward to doing more Sound Baths in 2020!!

Keep an eye out for more details about a special Chakra Series Sound Bath that will kick off in January 2020!!

Let's Get to the info About the Moon Energy...

Tonight is the best night to release things that no longer serve our highest good!! With Mercury in Retrograde still (don't worry, we are almost done Nov.20th) we could all use some detox and removal time!!

Do some ritual work tonight by writing down the things that no longer serve you on a piece of paper... and BURN IT!!

Believe me, you'll feel 100 lbs. lighter!! It's very powerful. Of course, that is just the basics...if you're wanting to know the full way I do my Full Moon Ritual, I do offer this as a serve. Contact me today for more details!

What to Expect When The New Moon is in Taurus...

Take note as the tensions from the previous days melt away! Peace and Calm is upon us now! It's time where you will feel more stable and secure.

You will notice that you have the tendency to slow down your thoughts, and reactions, leaving you feeling a bit lazy (might be hard to get things started today).

Today would be a good time to take care of things at home. Do a bit of spring cleaning, run some errands and restock your supplies.

Best to postpone any important business proposals, so you don't make any mistakes with the slow reaction and thinking time.

People Born When The Moon Is In Taurus...

You will be affectedly strongly by the above information. You are usually a person who is very calm and sometimes too much so. Procrastination is a down side here. Most people would describe you as one that is peaceful, quiet, and enjoys the comfort of your home.

Sometimes slow to get a move on things, you're not one who likes change, and it's sometimes an issues to let go of things and you tend to run from problems.

The good news is as you see yourself slipping into these habits, be in that lies your power and you can adjust.

The Season of The Moon...

As this is the official calendar of time of old. One of the names this Season of the Moon got is Snow Moon. It makes sense as the 1st snow falls of the season are getting underway.

Another name you might hear it being called is the Tree Moon. This represents the Moon of silence, inner workings and strength. It's also about the Moon of completion, days growing shorter as the end of the year draws near.

All this good energy is an added layer that will assist us in seeking wisdom within during this time, releasing what no longer serves your spirit and purpose and releasing the past. Take time to honor your ancestors who have paved the path for you and continue to guide you and look after you still to this day.

Lastly, another name you will hear this Moon being called is Beaver Moon.

Named by the Algonquin tribes and colonial Americans, the Beaver Moon was a time when our ancients would set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Other tribes also referred to this Moon as the Full Frost Moon (I'm guessing the other Native American tribes were the animal lovers, like me...with the name Frost Moon instead of Beaver, Yikes!)

Crystal Suggestions...

The following Crystals are most beneficial to work with when the Moon is in Taurus. If you are in Sun/Star Sign of Taurus, these Crystals will also be of benefit for you to work with. They will help balance you out, allowing the positive within your sign to be amplified and the negative to be less of an affect on you.


Lovely Jade will bring balance back into your all aspects of your life.

It will also help harmonize energies to creative stability, abundance, and longevity. Brining about a sense of encouragement and allowing you to follow your heart, will also increase with Jade.


Providing support and guides you to fulling love yourself and others.

Brings about emotional balance, and helps you forgive others.

As we head into all the holiday hustle and bustle... just remember to breathe and take some time to yourself to realign!

The best gift we could give is time and love with each other!

Wishing you ...

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs

Bridget M. Shoup

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305



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