Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Sign Element: Water
Planet: Pluto
Expect: Protective, Emotional, Compassionate, Investigative, Self Critical
Watch Out For: Overbearing, Jealously, Moody, Self Destructive
Moon Age: 15.0
Visibility: 99.9%
Phase: Full/Mother
Season/Moon Name: Hare/Milk/Flower Moon
Wheel of the Year: Beltane (May 1st)
Crystal Suggestions: Labradorite & Malachite
Other Energies: Pluto in Retrograde (4/25-10/4)
Coming Soon: Saturn in Retro (5/11), Venus in Retro (5/12), Jupiter in Retro (5/14)

Hey Hey Dear MoonLights,
Happy Full Moon !!
How have you been? Hope you and your family are doing amazing!!
I have been trying to stay busy lately, as I'm sure most of you have too! Things continue to shift and I'm looking forward to see the positive side of all this crazy energy we have been experiences lately!
This Full Moon Energy is for sure in full effect!! I have been feeling it ramping up!! Hold on to your pants we have a bit of a bumpy ride ahead! Before we dive into all the Moon Energy... let me catch you up on some of the things going on in my world lately!
Book # 2
One thing that I've been doing... is I'm in the works of Book #2!!!
I can't WAIT to share more details as I get closer to my release date!

I'm making some good progress though, and I believe I will be able to release it sooner than even I thought possible!! So be on the look out for more info on this soon!
"Share The Love Sound Bath"
Even though my Events have been cancelled, until the studio I rent space reopens and is back in action... I was inspired during my last New Moon!
Why stop now!?
I haven't missed a Sound Bath YET this year and I figured, why would I miss one now??
So, Invited anyone who wanted to attend it for FREE on April 30th!!
My "Sharing the Love" Sound Bath was a hit!! I ended up having a lovely group attend!!
We enjoyed the breeze in the trees and good company afterwards, talking up a storm!
It's always so good to come together to heal and set a good positive vibration as we move onward into May!

I felt that a Sound Bath was something highly needed at this time! I have done live via Facebook/Instagram ....Sound Baths, but it's just not the same as when you are in person experiencing it!
So thank you to all the lovely Souls who came out to spend your afternoon with me!
If you missed it.. here's a little clip to enjoy!
Look Up !!
We get to see some lovely Star shows this month!
My family and I were looking forward to going camping this week to enjoy the meteorites and the Full Moon outdoors, but unfortunately... they decided to close all the camping sites down (darn it!)!
Instead of enjoying it camping, I'm hoping to try and catch a glimpse at home!
Here's what we have in store!
Wednesday May 6th, 2020
Eta Aquariids
This Meteor shower will reach it's peak on the night of May 6th- 7th.

From Rancho Cucamonga, Ca... the most visible time to see this meteor shower will be 5:00 am.
You can expect to see about 2 meteors per hour, and will be 28 digress above the eastern horizon.
The Eta Aquariids can produce 50 meteors per hour under ideal conditions.
However, light pollution can hinder seeing them.
The other tricky part to this particle meteor shower, is that the Full Moon will be at it's fullest... thus overwhelming all the brightest meteors.
But... we can cross our fingers and hope to catch a glimpse of a few!!
On Saturday May 23rd, 2020 we get to experience the
Comet Atlas

Comet C/2019 Y4 (Atlas) will reach it's perigee (the closets point in it's orbit, closest to Earth) on the 23rd!
During this time, the comet will likely be visible without a telescope!
It will pass through the constellation Perseus.
Comet Atlas is projected to continue to brighten along it's journey until Sunday May 31st, then will disintegrate completely as it approaches the Sun.
Full Moon is all about releasing and letting go of the things that no longer serve you!!
What are you ready to release from your life??
Anything that is holding you back or down, stress, fears, worries, etc. Let it all go tonight!
Also, make sure you cleanse all your Crystal Friends... they will love you for it!
So... now that we know all the exciting things happening up and around!!
Let's look into the Moon Energy Report!

What to expect when the New Moon is in Scorpio...
Be ready for a bit of an emotional roller coaster ride!!
Sensitivity will increase during this time and our emotions will be running high!
Knowing this will help eliminate issues that could arise. Don't get swept away by irritability, mood swings. Things might excite you a lot or not at all.... (roller coaster) It's a time that you will be more aware of yourself and your actions, but you will also take note of others as well! This is a good time for some self-analysis and self improvement. Correct your bad habits as you see them appear! When we take action on correcting ourselves, not only do we become the better versions of ourselves...but we also improve the world around us!
People born when the Moon is in Scorpio...
You will be affected by the above A LOT!! You have a tendency to be hyper, and can sometimes be hysterical with rapid mood changes. You are quite emotional...which comes as no surprise as you are a water sign after all! You have a need to express your emotions opening to stay balanced. Sometimes you put off the vibe that your a pessimist or even cynical. Knowing these things will help you address them and not overly react to them. Even though you can sometimes let your emotions get the better of you, you are very excellent at self analysis and are always working on self improvement...which comes easily for you!
Season of the Moon...
Hare/Milk and Flower Moon are all names you will hear this months Moon being called. If you think about it... May is all about renewal and birth!

The birth of animals are abundant and the Mother's bring forth their Milk to feed their young. It's a time of creation, balancing the yin-yang, connection with nature, and self love. These are all the signs of May...thus our Ancients naming the Moon as a reflection of the event surrounding them.
Crystal Suggestions...
The following Crystals are most beneficial to work with when the Moon is in Scorpio.
If you are a Sun/Star Sign in Scorpio, these Crystals will also be of benefit for you to work with. They will balance you out, allowing the positive within your sign to be amplified and the negative to be less of an affect on you.
Bringing about the ability to recall the things you have learned, plus getting in sync with your

Intuition is also in the forefront when working with Labradorite. This Crystal will bring about transformation and and personal power, as well as balance in your life.
Releasing toxins from the body is the name of Malachite's game! It especially is healing for the heart.

Scorpios have the tendency to take things to heart and hold things in! Malachite will assist you in your physical and also emotional (heart) healing.
Well my Dear Ones... here's to an amazing Full Moon Night!!
Sending You...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305