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Full Moon in Sagittarius & Partial Lunar Eclipse~ June 5th, 2020

Writer's picture: Bridget M. ShoupBridget M. Shoup

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Sign Element: Fire

Planet: Jupiter

Expect: Optimistic, Seeing the best in people, Spirituality, Inspiring, Happy Go Lucky, Honesty, Frank & Openness.

Watch Out For: Argumentative, Impatient, Preachy, Critical.

Moon Age: 14.7 Days

Visibility: 100%

Phase: Mother/Full

Season: Strawberry/Honey/Mead Moon

Wheel of the Year: Beltane (May 1st)

Crystal Suggestions: Smokey Quartz/Sodalite

Hello Dear MoonLights...

Happy Full Moon !!

We have arrived in the month of June!!

Even though so much has been going on in the world lately, time is still flying by quickly!

I hope you and your family have been well!

I have been trying to focus on self love during this time... as emotions can get quite heavy. If your an empath like me, you know what I mean!

I have been doing my best to share my love outwards and keep myself in a high positive vibration in order to be able to continue to share good vibes out!

I've made a Crystal Grid for the healing of the World back in March and still have it running strong, in an effort to promote healing, love, peace, protection, stability and clarity for all!

Make sure your taking good care of yourself as well during this time!!

Self care/Self Love isn't selfish!! It's the best thing you can do to stay in a state of high vibration, to be able to help others who are down!

One way you can do this is my taking a walk in nature, meditate, doing yoga, take a relaxing bath... or even cleanse your energetic body with a Crystal Reiki Healing Session.

You matter !!

Book #2 Progress!!

I'm excited to announce that during these months "off" I have been keeping busy by writing Book #2!!

Yes... it's true!! My 2nd book will be releasing real soon!! I was able to complete all the writing and proofing already!

Last week I was able to work with my Hubby and Daughter to cultivate some awesome artwork and photography for the book!!

I can't WAIT to share more soon!! My projected release date for my book has been moved up now to sometime in July!! Stay tuned in for more details to follow really soon!!

In addition to my book... I have enrolled myself in QiGong certification courses!! I'm working my way to become a Certified Instructor so I can share the amazing healing benefits of QiGong with you soon!!

What is QiGong??

I'm glad you asked!!

QiGong is a Chinese system of physical exercise, breathing control and meditation...

related to Tai Chi.

Qi=Life Force Energy, The energy within us, same as prana.

Gong= Work , Method or Effort.

It strengthens, stimulates and opens up the nervous system, blood circulation, & muscular system.

While allowing you to focus your mind on calmness, and relaxation.

QiGong helps you tap into your higher self and helps you become more present and grounded.

I have many hours of study and learning ahead of me... but I'm so super excited to be able to share this method of exercise and self improvement soon!

The best part is, it's great for all ages and abilities!!

More soon!!

Full Moon Energy...

Tonight is a much needed night for all!! A time to finally release the things that no longer serve you!! Take the time to write down on paper what it is you'd like to release from your life! It can truly be anything.... stress, worries, fears, financial burdens, past regrets.... etc. Write them down and then light that paper on fire (be careful of course, I usually place my in my caldron for safety).

As you watch the flames consume your paper and things you wish to remove from your life... feel the release and lightness come over you!! Allow the Universe and Lady Luna to assist you in the process. The Universe will take it from there and transmute any negative energy into pure positive peace and happiness for all.

Believe me, it works!!

If you want to have a step by step guide on how to do this process... pick up my book!

"Crystal Clear Enlightenment" where I dedicated a whole chapter to working with the Lunar Energies.

Pick up your copy today by either reaching out to me for a signed copy!!


Order online through amazon

What to Expect When The Full Moon is in Sagittarius...

Tonight will be one of stability and feeling right where you should be. It's a time of calm and orderly feelings. People tend to follow rules and routines when the Moon is in Sagittarius. You will be drawn to receiving and giving advice and recommendations.

Interests in social life and one's place in society will increase tonight. As well as the desire for more stable & comfortable life.

Take time to continue your education, it's a good night to give and receive knowledge with others, and help find the answers your in search of.

People Born When The Moon is in Sagittarius...

Lots of pride will be present as well as a tendency to seem vain. Often with the attitude of cocky, they like to let others know they are always right!

These things are not bad qualities, it's just something to be aware of so when you notice these things creeping up, you can adjust your behavior.

You enjoy to teach others, and long for new knowledge yourself.

Deep down, you are generous, and have a huge heart...wanting to share and give easily. Success in your career is of great importance to you.

Season of the Moon...

Strawberry/Mead/Honey Moon, are all names of this months Moon! Why so many different ones? It all depends on which tribe you follow. Our Ancients would name the Moon based on the activities and things going on around them. This was their way of keeping track of which month they were they didn't have handy dandy calendars way back then.

Summer Months bring the Strawberries into harvest, thus the Algonquin Tribes calling this months Moon the Strawberry Moon. As the Strawberries where quite abundant, it was a time to gather your harvest of all the ripened fruits! Honey Moon as just like the Strawberries. Honey is in great abundance during this time as well, thus getting both names! Just as the Strawberries & Honey, Hay is in season...time to gather all the amazing Hay, again referring to this months Moon name.

Crystal Suggestions...

The following Crystals are most beneficial to work with when the Moon is in Sagittarius.

If you are a Sun/Star Sign in Sagittarius, these Crystals will also be of benefit for you to work with. They will balance you out, allowing the positive within your sign to be amplified and the negative to be less of an affect on you.

Smokey Quartz

Amazing for grounding and protection, this Crystal is a perfect pick for a Sagittarius to feel supported and grounded.

Smokey Quartz has the amazing ability to transmute negative energy into positive, perfect for the doubts that might sneak up on the Sagittarians.

Sodalite Allow Sodalite to help give guidance in figuring out the path your meant to be on.

Sometimes it's hard for Sagittarius to commit to things, it can help focus that energy in to a single direction for you and strengthen your intuition as to which direction is meant for you on a Soul level.

Who can See the Partial Lunar Eclipse?

This eclipse will not be visible from North America this time around!

Locations who will see the Lunar Eclipse will be the following:

Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America.

Pretty much it will be visible only from the Western Pacific Oceans

Lunar Eclipse Energy...

Lunar eclipses signify a time of great change and upheaval. Eclipses are designed to put us on the "right" path whether we realize it or not. You might notice during this time that things could change abruptly... relationships, jobs, careers, friendships etc. The energy will bring up repressed feelings or emotions during this time as well. This will help you take closer looks at personal relationships you have. Did you feel any of this energy recently??

When you are in tune with your own needs & intentions, and of those around will be able to see clearly and will be able to fix any unbalances that come up during this time.

You will notice this energy of the Lunar Eclipse 3 days before and 3 days after. So during this time is when you will notice things change swiftly! All and all.. the Eclipse is here to help you, not hurt you. It's here to push us into the right path we are meant to be on! It's the Universes way of saying... "Hey You.. the time is NOW, no more putting off the change you need in your life!" So enjoy the energy and keep a positive mind set as any changes come your way!

As always, if you felt things bubbling up that made you have feelings of sadness, stress, anxiety...than it's the purrfect time for a Crystal Reiki Healing Session.

I can make that happen for you!! As "The Crystal Healing Gypsy" I will come to YOU and leave you feeling relaxed and more centered and grounded.

Reach out today for your appointment! I serve the Inland Empire/Los Angeles/Orange County, so if you live in the following areas I can come to you! If not.... no worries I also do Distant Crystal Reiki as well as FaceTime/Skype sessions for Tarot/Numerology readings as well as NLP to help bring you some clarity and insight to a situation.

Eclipses Always Come in Pairs...

The Lunar Eclipse always occurs 2 weeks before or after a Solar Eclipse. This is the 1st Eclipse of 2020 !!

The next Eclipse up will be a Solar Eclipse on June 21st (Litha-Summer Solstice).

Eclipse Dates 2020

  • June 5th, 2020: Partial Lunar Eclipse. Seen in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe, Africa, South America.

  • June 21st, 2020: Annular Solar Eclipse. Seen from parts of Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Indonesia and Micronesia.

  • July 4th, 2020: Partial Solar Eclipse. Seen from North America (except Northenmost regions). Starting at 8:04 PM PST ending 10:56 PM PST.

  • November 29th, 2020: Partial Lunar Eclipse. Seen from North America. Staring at 11:30 PM PST ending 3:56 AM PST on Nov. 30th.

  • December 14th, 2020: Total Solar Eclipse. Seen from the Southern Pacific Ocean, Galapagos Islands, and part of South America, Antarctica, and Africa.

The Darkness is Temporary

The Lunar Eclipse is a great time to remember that in the dark times it's good to reflect on the things we can release and let go of, dig deep into our


Doing this allows us so much more space in our life for the ability to manifest what it is we truly wish and hope for!

It's also a reminder that the dark times only last for a short time. Soon the light will shine again and bring a bit of positively back.

The light will help shed a new understanding for the reasons why you had to have some dark time.

Balance is everything, and having some dark with some light will allow you to see that things happen for a reason!

This is the perfect time to share one of my favorite Harry Potter Quotes...

You choose how you respond to each and everything that happens in our life! You create your reality!

Just like this Lunar Eclipse...her light will shine again with time and patients! Remember...the darkness won't last forever....turn on your bright positive light from within, and change your outcome to what you truly desire!! Have a super amazing Full Moon Night!

Sending You...

Light, Loves & Lunar HUGS,

Bridget M. Shoup

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305



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