Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Sign Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Moon Age: 14.5 days old
Visibility: 99.9%
Phase: Full/Mother
Season/Moon Name: Hay/Wort/Blessing/Buck Moon
Wheel of the Year: Litha (June 21st) coming soon: Lughnasadh (Aug 1st)
Crystal Suggestions: Emerald, Fluorite
Other Energies: Partial Lunar Eclipse, Jupiter till 8/11, Pluto till 10/3, Saturn till 9/18, Mercury till 7/31 in Retrograde

Happy Full Moon MoonLights!!
Oh boy oh much energy is going on!!
I don't know about you guys, but I've sure felt it!! From being in Eclipse season, to 4 planets currently in Retrograde....and can't forget the Earthquakes we have experienced here in Southern California! Tons of energy!!
I'm going to be honest, I had a day after the 2nd Earthquake, where I felt really shitty!! I ended up getting a pretty nasty (what seemed to be a) tension headache.
The thing I found interesting was on that same day, other people I knew had that same type thing happen (or migraines) as well.
What I have learned from my Guides...
is that the Earthquakes were a huge energetic release that had been stored up. It was energy that had been stored up within Gaia, when we released it, it is so massive that it physically makes changes outwardly which affected us.
Gaia needs to expand and grow with us, as the collective consciousness is shifting and growing into new levels of awareness as we speak right now!
Well, the energy is present, and the people who are connected with Gaia can also feel this shift. This energetic release goes out, thus causing headaches, migraines, etc. to those who are more grounded and connect to Gaia.
I just had 1 down night where I felt this shift in energy...since then, I've been doing fine. My Guides also warned me at this time that I needed to take some "me" time! That I needed to remember to relax and also continue to do Crystal Reiki Healing on myself. I always listen to my Guides and did just that. Let me say, that was well needed and received!
I appreciate their support and guidance & feel recharged again!
How have you been feeling lately?
Tonight's Full Moon will be great to tend to ourselves, and release the things that no longer serve our highest good!
We have so much to cover regarding the energy with Our Moon this month!
But, before I get into that... I want to remind you that I will be offering a
FREE Live Guided Full Moon Ritual on the actual Full Moon Night....
Join me....
Tuesday July 16th, 2019 @8 PM.
I will be going LIVE on Facebook this time around. Figure I would try something new this year.!!
It's crazy to think that I haven't done a Live Guided Ritual with you guys yet in 2019!! The year is speeding on by. I felt super inspired to do so with all this extra energy around! Time to Share!
I also have another cool event coming up this week as well!!
I'm teaming up with Claremont Yoga to offer you "Sound Bath Saturday"!!
Upcoming Event!!
Saturday July 20th, 2019
3:30-5:30 PM
Enjoy an hour of Restorative Yoga by CY's Nicole Riel!!
Then spend your last hour with me.. with my Guided meditation & Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath!!
Only $35 per person. onward to our Moon Report...
What to Expect When The Full Moon is in Capricorn...
Today will be a time when you feel super responsible and ready to put your duties at the forefront if things! It will be a day when you become more practical and logical. Also, you might be less sensitive and more demanding towards others, and yourself. It's the best time to focus all your attention to details to your responsibilities and professional duties. What ever you choose to focus your attention on today will come to a successful conclusion! New ideas are likely to pop into your mind, follow it! Take some time to do some physically activity...exercise!
People Born When The Moon is in Capricorn...
You my friend will be affected a lot by this Moon energy information above. You are a sensitive Soul and can be a bit emotional, however you don't like to show emotions and usually bottle them up. By doing this, it can manifest itself in hysteria.
You may seem emotionless, dry towards others...however as you carry onward with your life, you will learn how to show your emotional side a bit easier. You are very determined...but sometimes can take that determination too far.... remember, balance is key! Don't waste your energy by creating drama in your life.
Season of the Moon...
Hay/Wort/Blessing/Buck Moon are all names you will hear this months Moon being called. The different names are based off the different tribes you follow. Our Ancients would name the Moon based on the activities and things going on around them. This was their way of keeping track of which month they were they didn't have handy dandy calendars way back then.
During the month of July , the hay is in abundance and ready to harvest, thus the name Hay Moon.
Wort is the ancient word for herbs, during the Full Moon in July... it was a time our Ancients would gather herbs to replenish the stock of these amazing medicinal plants. Employing the heat of the summer to dry them out before the long winter months to come.
Blessing Moon is all about being grateful during this time for the abundance of crops. It's a time for acceptance, strengths and achievements. It's a good time to plan for the future and celebrate the things we have been blessed with.
Crystal Suggestions...
The following Crystals are most beneficial to work with when the Moon is in Capricorn.
If you are a Sun/Star Sign in Capricorn, these Crystals will also be of benefit for you to work with. They will balance you out, allowing the positive within your sign to be amplified and the negative to be less of an affect on you
Find a stronger connection with the Earth with Emerald. Helping your heart open to compassion and love. Also beneficial in bringing abundance and a calming nature to you.

Allow it to help spike your inspiration and offer you clarity in your next steps.
Offering you protection and cleansing, Fluorite will also help you in your learning endeavors.

Brings about a more orderly, organized type energy and can help focus your mind on all the amazing things you have set out to achieve. Fluorite allows you to connect with your higher self and taps you into your intuition.
Who can See the Lunar Eclipse?
Australia, Africa, South America, most of Europe, and Asia. The eclipse will miss North America, except for the very southern and eastern parts of the continent.
Lunar Eclipse Energy...
Lunar eclipses signify a time of great change and upheaval. Eclipses are designed to put us on the "right" path whether we realize it or not. You might notice during this time that things could change abruptly... relationships, jobs, careers, friendships etc. The energy will bring up repressed feelings or emotions during this time as well. This will help you take closer looks at personal relationships you have. Did you feel any of this energy recently??
When you are in tune with your own needs & intentions, and of those around will be able to see clearly and will be able to fix any unbalances that come up during this time.
You will notice this energy of the Lunar Eclipse 3 days before and 3 days after. So during this time is when you will notice things change swiftly! All and all.. the Eclipse is here to help you, not hurt you. It's here to push us into the right path we are meant to be on! It's the Universes way of saying... "Hey You.. the time is NOW, no more putting off the change you need in your life!" So enjoy the energy and keep a positive mind set as any changes come your way!
As always, if you felt things bubbling up that made you have feelings of sadness, stress, anxiety...than it's the purrfect time for a Crystal Reiki Healing Session.
I can make that happen for you!! As "The Crystal Healing Gypsy" I will come to YOU and leave you feeling relaxed and more centered and grounded.
Reach out today for your appointment! I serve the Inland Empire/Los Angeles/Orange County, so if you live in the following areas I can come to you! If not.... no worries I can do FaceTime/Skype sessions for Tarot/Numerology readings as well as NLP to help bring you some clarity and insight to a situation.

Eclipses Always Come in Pairs...

The Lunar Eclipse always occurs 2 weeks before or after a Solar Eclipse. Unlike Solar Eclipses that are only visible in specific places, Lunar Eclipses are visible from anywhere, so long as it's night time!
On our last New Moon (July 2nd, 2019) we had a Total Solar Eclipse, and this was it's second half happening!!

The Darkness is Temporary
The Lunar Eclipse is a great time to remember that in the dark times it's good to reflect on the things we can release and let go of, dig deep into our
Doing this allows us so much more space in our life for the ability to manifest what it is we truly wish and hope for!
It's also a reminder that the dark times only last for a short time. Soon the light will shine again and bring a bit of positively back.
The light will help shed a new understanding for the reasons why you had to have some dark time.
Balance is everything, and having some dark with some light will allow you to see that things happen for a reason!
This is the perfect time to share one of my favorite Harry Potter Quotes...

You choose how you respond to each and everything that happens in our life! You create your reality!
Just like this Lunar Eclipse...her light will shine again with time and patients!
Remember...the darkness won't last forever....turn on your bright positive light from within, and change your outcome to what you truly desire!!
Have a super amazing Full Moon Night!!
See you at 8 PM Tuesday!
Sending You...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305
#Lunar Eclipse #BMoonStruck