Have you ever wished you could have a Sound Healing Session in the comfort of your home, whenever you needed it??
Well.... good news!
I just released my 1st single called "Chakra Cleanse"!!
It is out under my artist name "BMoonStruck".
I also have my own music label called "Holistic Harmonies, Inc." (Thanks Kels)
"Chakra Cleanse " is out on ALL music platforms staring April 13, 2024 !!!
As you know, it's my life's mission to reach out and assist as many people as I can live a happier, healthier holistic lifestyle and I'm so happy to be adding a new layer of offerings to you!
Where To Find It:
Claro Musica
And Many Many More!
How to Enjoy Sound Healing ...
Give yourself 15 mins. & find a comfortable position.
Put your phone on "do not disturb".
Grab a pair of earphones.
Sit Back and Relax!!!
This will be a full chakra cleanse for you.
It will leave you feeling more at peace, happy, relaxed, rejuvenated and ready to enjoy the rest of your day/night.
Other benefits are:
Brings peace & harmony to body & space.
Removes dis-ease from body.
Balances body & chakras
Removes blockages within energetic body
Lowers stress
Decreases mood swings
Lowers blood press & cholesterol levels
Improves sleep
Helps remove anxiety & depression
Beneficial for people with chronic pain
PTSD relief
Decreases pain from body
Ways To Help Me Get the Word Out:
Follow me (BMoonStruck) on Spotify
Add me to a Playlist
Share with your Family & Friends
Listen to it often
Thank you to the Souls who continues to attend my live session !! Believe me, that will NOT be stopping anytime soon.
If you would like to learn more about my next live Sound Healing Session, please click the button below! Side note, these sessions always sell out, if you want to attend I encourage signing up as soon as you can.
Thank you to the Souls who inspired and requested a recorded Sound Session !!
Thank you to the Souls from the past , current and future that I will get the opportunity to share my sound healing & journey with!
Thank you to Jared & Kelsey for always cheering me on and supporting all my adventures and dreams!
Thank you to Steve, my producer from Blast Music Publishing for allowing me the space, and sharing your skills to make this a reality !
My wish is that you get the best benefits from the tunes I will share.
I'm looking forward to getting back to the recording studio real soon and make more sound healing tracks for you to enjoy!
Thank you everyone for your kind words of encouragement and support!!
Sending You.... Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Behind the Scenes, in the recording studio.
My 1st time heading my song back !!
March 7th, 2024
Learn all about Sound Healing HERE