Wow!! 2023 has flown on by!!
Can you believe we are at the end of the year already???
2023 has been one full of many fun adventures for me + my family !!
I'm looking forward to more fun for 2024!
I feel so blessed to have met so many amazing Souls at my Sound Sessions this past year.... we have quite the amazing, loving community going on I must say! I apperciate all of you who continue to come to my sessions and share it with others! It means alot to me to be able to share with you and your loved ones. I'm also looking forward to growing our Sound Healing Tribe and welcome new friends in!!
I really do enjoy meeting up each month and sharing with you.
Back by popular demand is my Chakra Sound Series!!
Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things and seeing you all again soon!!
Now, If you are new around here ..... you might be asking yourself... what the heck is this??

So what is ??
Each month I will be holding a special event, doing a guided mediation that will correspond with the Chakra of the month, followed by a super relaxing Sound Session!!
For example....the month of January is the Root Chakra!! It's all about getting grounded and staying more present in our current moments! It's the best way to start off the new year!! Allowing you stability and balance going forward!
Following our Root Chakra in January.....we will go right to the next Chakra point... Sacral in February.... and onward from there!
The sessions are an hour long and only cost $25 per person/per session!!
Yep...that's it!
It's my life's mission to reach out and assist as many people as I possibly can live a happier, healthier holistic lifestyle!! This is just another way I can do that just for you!
I also want to make it affordable for all, thus my price point of only $25!
It's the best way to try energy healing....and makes for a great date night, girls night out, gift: (Birthday/Mother's/Father's Day/Christmas) or family activity!!
My sessions are always offered on the 2nd Friday of each Month from 6:30-7:30 PM .
(with the exception on the July session on 19th -3rd week)
I will be holding my "Chakra Sound Bath Series" @
1141 E. Guadalupe Rd.
Gilbert, AZ 85234
(Exercise Room B)
Space is limited and my available spots do fill up fast!!
So, if this is something that interests you....feel free to book online today!
I wanted to find a way to give back..... so I'm offering a special deal!
This is a limited time offer for an limited amount of people!
The 1st 10 people who sign up for my deal will SAVE $$.
Sign up for all 7 sessions ...
Pay for 6 and get the 7th session FREE!!!
Expires 12.31.2023
I onlyl have 5 spots left for this special!! So don't wait to grab this deal before it's gone!!
Plus, you'll be guaranteed a spot in each of the sessions for the whole series!
Check out the upcoming event dates:
June 14th, 2024 Third Eye Chakra "See Clearly"
July 19th, 2024 Crown Chakra "Trust & Be Open"
Are you new to Sound Healing??
There are many benefits to Sound Baths!!
If you would like to learn more....CLICK HERE!
I will highlight a few!
Sound Healing Health Benefits...
Brings about Peace & Harmony to body & space
Removes dis-ease from your body
Balances body & Chakras
Removes any blockages within Energetic body
Lowers Stress
Decreases mood swings
Lowers blood pressure
Lowers cholesterol levels
Improves sleep
Helps remove anxiety, & depression
Beneficial for people who have Chronic pain
PTSD relief
Decreases & Removes Pain from the body
Benefits of Meditation
Stress Reduction
Improves Health
Improves Sleep
Slows Aging
Emotional Stability
Allows Positive Thinking
Controls anxiety
Enhances Self Awareness
Lengthens Attention span
Decreases Blood pressure
Read my Full Blog all about the Importance of Meditation, CLICK HERE!
What People are Saying...
"Helped me let go some emotional tension that I’ve been holding onto for the past few months. Helped me feel refreshed and energized. Helped fight depression"
"As soon as I entered the sound bath I felt peace. thanks bridget."
"I am glad the flow of events was explained at the beginning so we would know what to expect. Everything was explained in detail (breathing techniques, crystal applications) and advice to help participants make the most of the experience. A wonderful time and hour well spent and fantastic value for the cost. These beneficial sessions make this an affordable option."
"I enjoyed the crystal information in the beginning and the sound bath."
"It's very relaxing and motivating. I feel all good vibes immediately. I would highly recommend. I learned something new with each one. It was amazing!"
"I enjoyed how Bridget explains everything & I feel content as I'm listening to her. She is well spoken & explains so well before the sound bath. I really enjoy the sounds of the sound bath because it helps me relax & clear my mind which can be challenging for me, but the more I come to her classes I learn more and more about Bridget. She's so nice & such a kindred soul. Love you Bridget so much!! It has been a new outlet for me with dealing with so much these past few years. I'm forever grateful for Bridget's services, love & advice with crystals & her awesome sound baths."
"The over all vibe was great, really like the explanation before, I plan to go again."

I'm Excited to be seeing you soon and offering you this awesome deal!! As you know, you will get the best benefit by coming to all 7. However, if you can't... it's always good to come to whatever works for you .
Have a super amazing new year and wishing everyone all the best!!
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Rev. Bridget M. Shoup
(480) 885.3177