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Blessed Ostara/Happy Spring Equinox!!!

Writer: Bridget M. ShoupBridget M. Shoup

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Spring Equinox is on Saturday March 20th, 2021

at 2:37 am GMT .

Trees are getting their leafs back, the birds are chirping in delight… this means one thing is certain… Spring Equinox is upon us! Just the other day I was going to get into my car leaving for work & spotting a Mama bird who had made a nest in our tree!! I'm so excited to see these babies be born!!

Have you noticed your energies have been off lately?

I know I have!!

It’s b/c Spring is upon us and the energy is shifting. I know I’ve felt the shift for the last week or so. I have felt like I have had less energy than normal and I’m not as focused as I’d like to be.

If your feeling this way, your not alone!

This is all normal. As the seasons change from Winter Solstice to Spring Equinox, things need to have a burst of energy to wake us up, to move Spring along. This new found energy that is coming will make us all feel much better.

Spring is a time of new beginnings, it’s a time when new leafs are on the trees, new wild life is being born, it's a time to set our intentions and goals and make things happen!

This is the best time to focus on ourselves and cleanse ourselves of anything that no longer serves us.

It’s the best way to start a-new and fresh just as the air is. So how do we do this?? Keep reading to learn all about Ostara and how to celebrate this time of year!

Most people during this time will "Spring Clean". It's a super thing to do during this time, for as we rid ourselves of the old, we can make space in our life for new!!

Sometimes we forget that we have an energetic body that needs cleansing too! It's something we don physically see, but if your having pain and discomfort, feeling overwhelmed, stressed, depressed and scattered brained.... then those are a few tell-tell signs that your energetic body is in need of some good hygiene!

So what can you do to Spring Clean your energetic body??

In honor of Ostara/Spring... I'm sharing a FREE event with you!

Join ME!

On Full Moon Sunday March 28th, 2021

from 10-11 am (GMT)

for a Sound Bath to cleanse your mind, body & Spirit!

If you live in Arizona... I will be offering this event in person at Oak Tree Park in Gilbert, AZ.

If you live somewhere else in the world ...please join me online via Zoom!

Register online for more information, the address or the link for this FREE event!

See you soon!!

My Sound Bath Sunday will include a Guided Meditation followed by me playing my Crystal Singing Bowls, here's a sneak peak at my last Sound Bath!

Blessed Ostara My Dear MoonLights...

Ostara is another word you will hear Spring Equinox being called. Ostara is a Celtic spring holiday that was later holidaized as Easter.

It's one of the 8 special celebrations we get each year!

(Yule, Imbloc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain)

Ostara is also known as Eostra. An Anglo-Saxon Goddess who represents dawn. As the Spring Goddess she makes sure the plants are budding and the Earth is fertile and ready to birth life yet again!

Ways to Celebrate Ostara:


Take some time to yourself, meditate, smudge yourself of past low energies from the Winter Solstice, or even take a nice ritual bath with your favorite crystals and essential oils to cleanse yourself. This will rejuvenate you and you’ll be ready to enter into the lovely Spring Equinox in the best of vibrations.

Add some epsom salts with some of your favorite essential oils to your bath and allow it's good energy to inhabit your space!

My favorite Crysstal for the bath is Rose Quartz!! Not only does it bring peace to you, but it also is super great for your skin (lessons wrinkles and signs of aging) !!


You can use essential oils to achieve things you've been wanting. It's a great way to give yourself that extra boost you need.

There are a few ways to use them, you can diffuse them into the air, put them in your bath, or even put them on you, or sniff them straight from the bottle.

If you decide to use them on your skin, make sure you dilute them with a carrier oil 1st.

If you have questions about this please feel free to ask.

I'm a CA (Certified Aromatherapist ) and would love to help you!

Check out my Products:

Here are some great EO's to help you achieve your dreams and goals:

Lavender: Helps keep you motivated, calm. It's uplifting and relaxing and will help put you in the mood for progress. It will help you rid yourself of anxieties that are holding you back from achieving your dreams.

Ylang-Ylang: Helps restore your self confidence, if you start feeling like your dreams, goals or intentions are too hard to reach, diffuse Ylang-Ylang and it will all disappear.

Disclaimer:Essential Oils are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. The above herbal information does not constitute medical advice and should not be misinterpreted as such. Individual results may vary. If your pregnant, in your 1st trimester, or trying to get pregnant, or nursing...avoid the use of Essential Oils!


During the Spring Equinox it's a great time to set goals and intentions. Crystals come in handy and will help raise your vibrations as your working towards achieving your goals and dreams.

Some crystals that are great to work with during this transitional time is Moonstone and Sunstone.

The 2 together are the perfect combination of balance and harmony. As we enter the Spring Equinox it’s the time when our planet Earth receives equal amount of Sun and Moon energies so it makes purrrfect sense to work with these two Crystals.

Some other awesome Crystals you can use during this time of planting seeds of intentions are...

Citrine: to help you achieve your

goals /intentions faster and will give you much happiness as well as success.

Another good one would be

Tiger Eye: This crystal is the Stone of Success!! This lovely Crystal will give you the will power and

motivation you need to take action to achieve success. It will help you stay calm during hectic times and will aid you to be a leader.


It's that time of year again... “Spring Cleaning”!! Out with the old and in with the new!! As you get yourself all clean and vibrating at a higher level… your space needs that same attention and love. I don’t know about you, but I’m always extra happy when everything is in place and clean. I feel more relaxed and at peace. So… Do it!! Do a little

spring cleaning... dust the corners of your home, get rid of things that no longer serve you. My rule is if you haven't used it in a year... you must not need it! So go through old drawers and cabinets and just purge!!

We do this at our house and call it a "purge party", so make it fun!

This will allow you the space to bring new things that will come along this Spring Equinox into your life.

Make sure you don't neglect to also smudge your space as well!!

Your home, car, workspace, even You... by smudging these areas with either Sage, Palo Santo or My best seller, "Poof-Be-Gone" Vanishing Potion (Order Online)

Or you can book me to do a Space Cleaning if you live in the Phonenix , AZ area!!

This is the best way to get rid of any lingering low energy so that you might be able to move forward in the year refreshed and ready to manifest things into your life!

Not only do we want to spring clean our environment...but it's also a good idea to give our Energetic bodies a good cleaning as well!

I can assist you with that process...a few things you can try is either a Sound Bath or a Crystal Reiki Healing Session! It will help clean the slate allowing you positivity, energy, balance and the feeling of being grounded!! Book online!


One of the best ways to start this Spring Equinox is by getting up just before the Sun rise! Take a minute to breath and draw the Sun down to you! Raise your hands up to the Sun and takes it’s warm light and send it down your whole body (envision that an energy ball from the Sun is entering you) and through all your Chakras.

Feel the warmth of golden light enter into your Crown Chakra, 3rd Eye, Throat, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Charkas.

Connect with Mister Sun and make sure as you breath in, your breathing in love and light and breathing out gratitude for all that you have and your surroundings.

Once you are done, make sure you plant your hands onto Gaia (Mother Earth) and give any left over vibrations back to her. This will strengthen your Aura and others will take note to how vibrant you are today!


Time to spruce up the Alter!! Add some Spring flare to it... make some decorated eggs, find cute bunnies or add some colorful flowers! After you redecorate, take some time to do a meditation during this wheel turn! It will help bring a clearer picture as to what path is the best direction for you.

Have you ever noticed that we see lots of Rabbits all over the stores and places this time of year? It’s because Spring is a time of fertility and Rabbits are very fertile!! It’s a symbol to reminds us that Spring is here and that we need to sprout new things of our own. I’m not talking about having a baby!!

You can sprout creative things!! For example, you can do a neat craft project, or you can get super artistic and paint, or even plant some seed and do some gardneing … what ever calls to you. This is the time to do it!

Another symbol you have seen this time of year is the Easter Egg and as kids we were all encouraged to decorate them. There you go… getting crafty to decorate some eggs!! The egg is a symbol one again of new beginnings and fertility. Go ahead and decorate some eggs and leave them on your alter or scared space to remind you of the intentions your setting during this new season.

You can also bring some lovely flowers into your space to liven it up and refreshen your living space.

All and all, best thing to remember is be the energy you want to create! You have the power to make this Spring Equinox shift an awesome one. Set intentions, take time to yourself... and you will notice how much you really can achieve!!


Sending You..

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs

Bridget M. Shoup

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305

Easter Fun Fact...

Did you know that Easter was decided by the Council of Nicaea back in the year 325. They decided to base the date of Easter on the Moon cycle!!

After the 1st Full Moon of the Spring Equinox is when Easter Sunday would be held. However, if the 1st Full Moon in the Spring Equinox falls on a Sunday, then Easter gets pushed back by 1 week so it doesn’t coincide with Passover.

This year the 1st Full Moon after Ostara is on Sunday March 28th, 2021 !!

Therefore.... Easter will be held on the following Sunday, April 4th, 2021.


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