The energy of the Lions Gate Portal starts to work it's magick
July 26th- August 12th.... with the peak of it's energy on 8/8 !!
LionsGate Portal is Open, Activated & at it's Peak! on August 8th, 2021 !!
Oh baby... have you felt the energy shifting as we have been approached today??
I know I have!!
My moods have been up and they have been down. My energy level feels like it's growing with each day as we have gotten closer to the 8th.
Today (8/8) holds great importance for me, as for today marks
the 2 year anniversary that I was Ordinated as a Minister !!
Time sure does fly!!
A few years ago on this very date (8/8/19) I felt such a huge urge to expand myself spiritually. And of course, I always listen!! I became an Ordinated Minister and started my 2nd business which is called "Magickal Weddings" where I Officiate beautiful, fun and memorable weddings!
So ... what the heck is going on???
We are being bombarded with this massive influx of high frequency energy on 8/8!!
Have you been feeling it ramp up??
Not only do we have the Lion's gate portal open & activated, but we also have the New Moon in Leo!! An extra special event!!

We Get a NEW Moon in Leo Too!!!
Make sure you take a moment to honor the New Moon energies on 8/8 !!
New Moon is a time to plant our seeds of intention... what do you want to cultivate in your life right now? On 8/8 the Magick is strong and the right time to make it happen!
Write in your journal all the things you wish you achieve. Read it aloud to Lady Luna and the Universe and with a positive mind-set of determination.. you WILL start to make your dreams and wishes come true!
Leo New Moon Energy Information...
New Moon on Sunday 8.8.2021
Astrological Sign: Leo
Sign Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Expect: Friendliness, Kindness, Generosity, Being Courageous, Honest, Loyal
Watch Out For: Stubbornness, Taking undue credit, Feeling Coldhearted
Moon Age: 0.2 Days
Visibility: 0.2 %
Phase: New Moon/Dark Moon/Maiden
Wheel of the Year: Lughnasadh (8/1)
Crystal Suggestions: Golden Tiger's Eye & Onyx
Let's get Sirius ....
On 8/8 (August 8th) of each year, the Lionsgate Portal opens & is activated.
This special date is when the Sun, Sirius & the Earth move to a specific positions in the sky!!

Sirius is a star in our sky, and is known as the "Spiritual Sun." It's actually the 2nd brightest star in the sky. Our Sun is the 1st brightest of course, thus Sirius being called the "Spiritual Sun".
Sirius has a way of emitting an energy that really gets us moving and activates us. It allows us to tap into our spiritual side and in turn helps us connect better with our own awakening process. It will push us further into our own higher consciousness and towards ascension.
This is nothing new... and Sirius always has this intention and pull on us... it's just that during the summer each year, Sirius moves closer to the Earth. Coming into alignment with our Sun, Earth and Orions Belt, and on August 8th is when the energy is at it's fullest peak!
As Sirius and Orions belt aligns with the Pyramid of Giza from our perspective here on Earth.
Making August 8th such a powerful and significant day.

How Does this Affect Us?
Lions Gate Portal is considered a gateway into the higher realms of consciousness!
What’s happening is that the Star Sirius is sending a higher frequency of energy down towards Earth. The reason why this happens is to bring a bit of advancement to the human race as well as raise consciousness on Gaia!
The reason why it's closely related to the lion is because it holds a lot of the same traits as a leo. and it actually occurs in the astrological sign of Leo.
Sirius is one that is very creative! Just like the Leos! By doing something creative, it raises your vibration and enhances your potential!
It's a time to re-create yourself!! It's a time for a rebirth!! How do you want to living your life moving forward? This is the time to use this extra burst of energy and allow it to push your Soul in the direction you know is best and right for you!
Sometimes, all this extra energy could trigger feelings of fear! Sometimes you have to feel a bit worst to get over the hump to feel better, type of situation.
Your Chakra's will be bombarded and affected with so much extra energy right now!
It's normal to feel a bit tired, and slow. You might also feel anxious or even upset...just try to go with the flow.
If it gets to be too much to handle, you can always do one of my FREE meditations to help align with the energies of Gaia!
What You Might Experience on 8/8...
This vortex of energy will super charge and flood our planet with light codes!
What is a light code?
Well... what I like to call it... "Spiritual Downloads".
When you see geometric symbols, shapes, or patterns,
usually during meditation. Sometimes accompanied by a ringing or buzzing in the ears.
These are the energy patterns that all of creation emits !
One of the most well known light code is called Reiki.
Due to this, some things you might experience could be...
Higher Conscious Awareness
Enhanced Intuition
Enhanced Psychic Abilities
Repetitive Numbers ( 11:11, 3:33,888, etc)
Ability to instantly Manifest Your Wishes Quickly
Positive Transformation
Prophetic Messages During Sleep
New Beginnings
Feeling Awakened Spiritually
Crystal Suggestion...
Golden Tiger's Eye
Excellent for new beginnings, self worth, confidence and growth. Allows you to feel more balanced & protected during this massive energetic shift All great qualities during this Lions gate portal activation!

How to work with this energy?
Best thing to do for yourself tonight...
If your looking for some great guided meditations... take a peek at my free collected here on my site... click the picture below to check it out!
As the gateway opens so does our connection to Spirit!
It’s an amazing time to Meditate & meet up w/Your Guides, Angels, Pasted Loves Ones etc. !!
Make sure you speak your truth and follow what your Heart and Soul truly desires of you at this time! Create something with your extra energy and embrace the messages coming your way!
Shift is your Spiritual Awareness??
If you are having shifts in your spiritual awareness... feeling like your going through a spiritual awakening???
Then check out my book "Crystal Clear Enlightenment" A guide to Spritual Growth!
My book will help you understand the signs/symptoms of going through a Spiritual awakening... allowing you to realize that you are NOT alone ... or crazy! lol
Also it covers how to work with Crystals, Lunar Energy, Understanding Psychic Abilities and so so much more!
Wishing you the most positive and enlightening experience with the activation of the Lions Gate Portal!!

Sending You...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Rev. Bridget M. Shoup
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305
- Now Serving the Phoenix, AZ Area-