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Mineral MoonDay~Golden Tiger Eye

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP
This Months Mineral is Golden Tiger Eye!

Most people are pretty familiar with Golden Tiger Eye, usually it's easy to find in stores and online. I remember my Daughter had gone on a field trip when she was in Elementary School (learning about dinosaurs) and at their souvenir shop they had Crystals! She came home with a pretty neat collection of all different sorts of Crystals.... Golden Tiger Eye being one of them!

It's hard to resist!!

That beautiful sheen it has catches your eye! It does that on purpose, a way to get you to pick it up and make a connection and friendship... which happens quite instantly!

Golden Tiger Eye is one of the 1st ones I picked up and got when I started working with Crystals!

I've been working consistently now with my Golden Tiger Eye... and I've noticed quite a big difference!! Being able to undertake goals that I've had, and doing it with ease and strength! Gotta love that!

What Does it Look Like???

Now, there are a few different variety of Tiger Eye...

Golden Tiger Eye (aka Cats Eye)

Red Tiger Eye (aka Bulls Eye)

Blue Tiger Eye (aka Hawk Eye)

Each one of them brings a different energy to the table. One question people usually ask is if Red and Blue Tiger Eye are naturally occurring in nature? The answer is YES! Pretty amazing huh? Although, some supplier might heat-treat their Red/Blue ones to give that an extra brilliant look.

The Golden Tiger Eye is the one we are focused on today. It's coloring is a lovely Golden Brown, immediately grounding you and helping you find that inner balance. It has the most beautiful shimmery sheen of metallic yellow that also comes into play and every once in a while you'll see a bit of sliver/grey which is Hematite inclusions (different Crystal called Tiger Iron- made up of Golden Tiger Eye, Hematite, Red Jasper).

The lovely sheen you see is due to inclusions of asbestos. But don't be worried, it's trapped way deep into the Crystal...however...due to this fact, it's never safe to add any variety of Tiger Eye to Elixirs or water as it would be harmful to digest!

Where is Golden Tiger Eye Found???

Brazil, Canada, India, Namibia, and South Africa are all the places that Tiger Eye is found. South Africa is the primary source of where it's mined from.

Benefits of Golden Tiger Eye...

Protection, Balance, Growth, Self Worth. Golden Tiger Eye brings that and a whole lot more! Allow this lovely friend to help also bring balance and grounding into your life, while also allowing you to find that fun and courage in doing what you love!

Physically it can also aid in Fatigue, Asthma, and Night vision issues.

It will be your best friend to lean on when you need extra support, especailly when it comes to times when your feeling down.

Golden Tiger Eye loves to be of assistance!

Crystal Channeling with

Golden Tiger Eye


Golden Tiger Eye Speaking:

"My purpose, is to allow you to shift into a positive mind set. To find what makes you happy and joyful. I'm here to give you courage, courage to make your dreams and wishes come true. To help you look for the little magickal moments that spark your interest, as for in those little magickal moments is what your Soul is giving you reminders of.

Reminding you to get back on track as to what your true mission on this Earth is. Courage is going to help move you forward with this, and I'll help you with new beginnings as that is what I'm here to do. Also, help you with new beginnings, new starts, new endeavors.

I help you find play-ness in everyday life, making things more light and free. I help boost your energy, again bringing lots of joy into your energy field.

I'm here to also help balance you when you feel you have a disconnect with your mind, body and spirit...I'm here to help bring that back into balance for you. Help get your emotional body back on track with your physical body.

I can help also with stomach issues, help sooth and revitalize the organs.

Always remember to follow your light, as your light is what will lead you to bliss, success, and happiness. I will help you achieve those things if you decided to reach out and work with me!

I'm one that most people are familiar with especially because I catch peoples eye. When I catch your eye, it's a wink! From me, and from the Universe that it's time to work together, and come together in finding your true Soul purpose.

And that is one of the main things I'm here to do! When you find your Soul purpose, that's when you find happiness and bliss within your life time.

I love helping you be able to achieve that goal."


I hope you enjoyed learning more about lovely Golden Tiger it can assist you and it's lovely message it shared today!

If you ever have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to me!

Sending You...

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M. Shoup

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305

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