Hello Dear MoonLights!!
Well as most of you know, it's my life's passion to help reach and assist as many people as I can life a happy, healthier life!!
I work with Crystals as my allies, and I love to share their amazing messages and ways they are here to assist us!
I was lucky enough to have an interview about what I do as "The Crystal Healing Gypsy" with "The Crooked Spine Show". The original interview happened last year!!
Check my past post here:

Thank you Dr. Anthony Ratkovic for taking the time to get the word out there of other holistic ways to heal yourself!!
If your looking for a super incredible Chiropractor.... meet Dr. Ratkovic at Euclid Chiropractic in Upland, Ca!!
Check Out My PodCast Interview....
Today the podcast is LIVE on iTunes for FREE!
Take a listen in and learn all about Crystal Healing, Chakras, and Sound Healing....as well as so so much more!
If you have any further questions about what I do, or how I can assist you live your best life...then please contact me!
You can always book online & I come to you for Crystal Chakra Balancing, Crystal Sound Healing, Tarot/Numerology Readings and so much more!
Looking forward to making some Magick happen for you soon!!
Until then...

Sending You
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup, CMP
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305