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Check Out My Podcast Interview on iTunes!!

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP
Hello Dear MoonLights!!

Well as most of you know, it's my life's passion to help reach and assist as many people as I can life a happy, healthier life!!

I work with Crystals as my allies, and I love to share their amazing messages and ways they are here to assist us!

I was lucky enough to have an interview about what I do as "The Crystal Healing Gypsy" with "The Crooked Spine Show". The original interview happened last year!!

Check my past post here:

Thank you Dr. Anthony Ratkovic for taking the time to get the word out there of other holistic ways to heal yourself!!

If your looking for a super incredible Chiropractor.... meet Dr. Ratkovic at Euclid Chiropractic in Upland, Ca!!

Check Out My PodCast Interview....

Take a listen in and learn all about Crystal Healing, Chakras, and Sound well as so so much more!

If you have any further questions about what I do, or how I can assist you live your best life...then please contact me!

You can always book online & I come to you for Crystal Chakra Balancing, Crystal Sound Healing, Tarot/Numerology Readings and so much more!

Looking forward to making some Magick happen for you soon!!

Until then...

Sending You

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305

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