Did you See the Total Lunar Eclipse???

Hello Lovely MoonLights!!
If you read up on my blogs or follow Lunar activity, you probably had heard that on January 20th, 2019 we got to experience a breathtaking Total Lunar Eclipse!!
Now, I don't know about you... but you guys know about me, and I'm all about it!! So here I am sharing what I captured on this lovely night!

Last year on August 2018 I was lucky enough to get my very 1st Telescope!!
This was something that my family and I have been wanting for a few years now.
I realized I never asked the New Moon for it !!
(what the what??) ... So I did that on the New Moon Aug. 11th... and within a few days (Aug. 13th), I had a shiny new Telescope at my doorstep!!
((Gotta love manifesting with the power of the Moon & Universe, it's strong shit!!))
After a bit of research, we decided to get a Celestron Powerseeker 80EQ !!
Here is my 1st ever go at using the telescope,
1st capture ever!
(Aug. 16th, 2018)

August 16th, 2018 @9:41 PM in Rancho Cucamonga, Ca
Waxing Crescent in Scorpio 35.9% Visible and 6.0 days old.
Since then, we have gotten some amazing pictures and video of Lovely Lady Luna!! My family and I enjoy spending time outdoors at night, taking in all the celestial marvels! During the summer we got the opportunity to see Mars too!!
We have yet to get the other planets, but we know with more practice and patients we will!
So... with the Total Lunar Eclipse, I was so super duper excited to be able to capture the process through my telescope and share it with you!!
Enjoy the slide show of the Lovely Lady Luna's transition from Light to Dark and Light again!!
That night started off with a bit of cloudiness!! I was getting worried I wouldn't be able to capture it as good as I hoped, however...as the process went on the clouds moved away! Thanks Universe!
Man oh man, the powerful energetic shift on this night!! Watching the process live was amazing! Did you get the chance to see it live and in person??
Towards the end, the transition went so super fast!! It was almost eerie to watch the Moon go from completely luminated to non-existant looking in the night sky!
As I was out there from 6:30 PM till 9:00 PM ...let me tell you, when I'm looking at the Moon....time flies!!! It honestly felt like a 1/2 hour had passed,
not 2 -1/2 hours ! hehehe!
Blood Moon
So...you probably heard this Moon being called quite a few things! Blood Moon, Super Moon, Full Moon in Leo, Wolf Moon. It was all of those things. Let me explain!
Blood Moon= Total Lunar Eclipse
Super Moon= The Moon was closer to the Earth than normal
Full Moon in Leo= The current phase/sign the Moon was in
Wolf Moon=The Season of the Moon, each Full Moon has a name.
It's not hard to figure out why they call it a "Blood Moon" as when the Moon was in the Earth's shadow it turned a red hue. The Moon isn't turning into Blood, or even turning red!! It simply is the shadow cast and the color that reflects back to us.
Eclipses Always Come in Pairs...

The Lunar Eclipse always occurs 2 weeks before or after a Solar Eclipse. Unlike Solar Eclipses that are only visible in specific places, Lunar Eclipses are visible from anywhere, so long as it's night time!
On our last New Moon (January 5th, 2019) we had a Partial Solar Eclipse, and this was it's second half happening!!

Total Lunar Eclipse Energy...
Lunar eclipses signify a time of great change and upheaval. Eclipses are designed to put us on the "right" path whether we realize it or not. You might notice during this time that things could change abruptly... relationships, jobs, careers, friendships etc. The energy will bring up repressed feelings or emotions during this time as well. This will help you take closer looks at personal relationships you have. Did you feel any of this energy recently??
When you are in tune with your own needs & intentions, and of those around you...you will be able to see clearly and will be able to fix any unbalances that come up during this time.
You will notice the energy of the Lunar Eclipse 3 days before and 3 days after. So during this time is when you will notice things change swiftly! All and all.. the Eclipse is here to help you, not hurt you. It's here to push us into the right path we are meant to be on! It's the Universes way of saying... "Hey You.. the time is NOW, no more putting off the change you need in your life!" So enjoy the energy and keep a positive mind set as any changes come your way!
As always, if you felt things bubbling up that made you have feelings of sadness, stress, anxiety...than it's the purrfect time for a Crystal Chakra Balancing! I can make that happen for you!! As "The Crystal Healing Gypsy" I will come to YOU and leave you feeling relaxed and more centered and grounded.
Reach out today for your appointment! I serve the Inland Empire/Los Angeles/Orange County, so if you live in the following areas I can come to you! If not.... no worries I can do FaceTime/Skype sessions for Tarot/Numerology readings as well as NLP to help bring you some clarity and insight to a situation.
The Darkness is Temporary
The Lunar Eclipse is a great time to remember that in the dark times it's good to reflect on the things we can release and let go of, dig deep into our
Doing this allows us so much more space in our life for the ability to manifest what it is we truly wish and hope for!
It's also a reminder that the dark times only last for a short time. Soon the light will shine again and bring a bit of positively back.
The light will help shed a new understanding for the reasons why you had to have some dark time.
Balance is everything, and having some dark with some light will allow you to see that things happen for a reason!
This is the perfect time to share one of my favorite Harry Potter Quotes...

You choose how you respond to each and everything that happens in our life! You create your reality!
Just like this Total Lunar Eclipse...her light will shine again with time and patients!
Remember...the darkness won't last forever....turn on your bright positive light from within, and change your outcome to what you truly desire!!
I hope you enjoyed the view of the Total Lunar Eclipse!!

Sending You...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup, CMP
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305