You are invited to watch me being Interviewed LIVE Today November 13th, 2018 at 12 noon on "The Crooked Spine Show!"
"The Crooked Spine Show" is a podcast on iTunes hosted by my dear Friend Anthony Ratkovic, DC.
He interviews people who are sharing alternative ways to heal themselves!
His goal is to "give you simple nuggets to relieve stress on your body by forming long-term habits to live a longer, healthier life."
He does LIVE interviews via Facebook and then converts them over to the iTunes podcast!
I feel so honored to be welcomed as a guest on his show today!!
Looking forward to sharing my holistic health modalities with all of you, and hope to answer any questions you might have!!
Watch as we discuss Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, and so much more!
today at Noon!!
I will share this LIVE interview via my Facebook page CLICK HERE for my Facebook Page and HERE for my B*MoonStruck Page.

See you at Noon!!
Sending You...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup,CMP
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305