Astrological Sign: Taurus
Sign Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Moon Age: 14.8 Days
Visibility: 100%
Phase: Full/Mother Phase
Season/Moon Name: Blood Moon, Shedding Moon, Hunter's Moon
Wheel of the Year: Mabon/Samhain (Oct. 31st)

Welcome MoonLights to another Full Moon!!
Oh yes, the time to let go of some shit!! Are you ready to remove the things that no longer serve your highest good? I am!!
Thanks to everyone who joined in watching my LIVE New Moon Ritual a few weeks ago!! Thanks for all your kind messages about how I did, that means a lot to get your feedback! I'm sure by now your already started manifesting some magickal things!! I know I have!! So we move onward with the cycles of the lovely Lady Luna!!

New Moon Ritual Oct. 8th, 2018
As October is my favorite month, I'm excited to offer another Guided Moon Ritual...this one is of course for our upcoming Full Moon on October 24th!!
Your Invited!!
Join me LIVE on Wednesday Oct. 24th, 2018 at 8:30 PM PST as I guide you though the process of working with the Full Moon energy!!
It's FREE to join in!! Make sure to register for the event, or subscribe to my site so you will get the link to my live feed!!
See you then!!
Onward now to what to expect this Full Moon!!

Check out last night's Moon!! She's Growing!!
10/23/18 8:57 PM 99.4% 14.0 days old Capricorn Aries Waxing Gibbous iPhone 6 Celestron PowerSeeker 80EQ Telescope 20mm lens
What to Expect When the Full Moon is in Taurus...
Feel a bit of calmness enter your world when the Full Moon falls into the sign of Taurus. Tensions from the previous days are just going to fade away! You will feel a sense of peace come over you. You will feel more stable and secure during this time as well. It's also a time you will notice you are a bit slower moving than normal. Your thoughts, and reactions will be slower leading you to feel a bit stuck in getting the ball rolling today.
Today is a good day to focus on the up keep of your home, restock the supplies you are in need of, and dedicate this time to the maintenance of your home. Due to the slowed reaction time when the Moon is in's best to wait to sign any important documents to avoid making any mistakes. Spend some time today doing meditation and or yoga...or both!
People Born When the Moon is in Taurus....
You my friends will be affected strongly by the above information. Calm, Peaceful and Quiet are a few words people would use to describe you. You enjoy the comfort of your home, good food and your not one who is easy to move. You tend to move slower than others, which is fine, your not one who enjoys change. Letting go of things is hard for you, and you tend to run away from your issues rather than face them head on. Knowing this about you...will help you realize it when it happens allowing you to adjust the outcome.
Season of the Moon...
This Months Moon is all about learning lessons... and to remind us of the cycles of life/dealth. It's a time for rebirth, karmic shifts, divination and shadow work.
Blood Moon, Shedding Moon, Hunter's Moon are all name you will hear the Full Moon in October being called.
Blood Moon/Hunter's Moon is all about a time for hunting. Our ancients used these names to let everyone know what time of the year they were on the calendar....since they didn't have fancy calendars or devices telling them otherwise.
The October Moon is a time to prepare for the upcoming winter months, thus the ancients hunting during this time.
Shedding Moon is all about the time of the year when deers shed their antler and began to create new life, as life can turn to death with the winter months closely near by. Learning to adapt to the ever changing season, something we can all keep in mind during this time. It's ok to just go with the flow of life... enjoy it!
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Oct. 24th for a night of doing so connecting with the Universe and Luna to let go of the things that no longer serves our highest good!!
See you then!
Happy Full Moon!!!

Sending You...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup, CMP
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305