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FREE Live New Moon Ritual 10/8

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP
You Are Invited!!!

As you know by now... I'm all about the Moon!!

I enjoy working with the Lovely Lady Luna and the Universe to manifest things into and out of my life!

It's a really powerful tool that I've been practicing now for over 3 years! Over this time, I have seen 1st hand how much taking the time to tap into these elements benefits me!!

October is my favorite month of the year ( I love Autumn ) and

I'm grateful for all of you...

so to say THANKS, I'm offering not just 1, but 2 Free Live Guided Moon Rituals!

If you are ready to make your dreams and wishes come true... then the New Moon Ritual is the one for you!!

If you feel stuck in a rut....can't seem to get your wheels spinning in the right direction, feeling like things aren't happening for you??? Then the Full Moon Ritual is just what the Witch ordered!

Feel free to join me for both!!

All you have to do is SUBSCRIBE to my site... or REGISTER to my event!

If you have already subscribed to my site or registered for this event... then you are all set!! Keep your eyes peeled for an email closer to the date!

Here's how it will work....

The day BEFORE the New/Full Moon's.... I will send you an email with a special link to my Live feed. In the email, there will also be additional information on the things you will need for the ritual!

I will go LIVE at 8:30 PM PST. Make sure you read your email I will be sending the day before, as there will be a video for you to watch on some additional information that I won't be covering during our Ritual!!

Something you might want to consider picking up before the Rituals...

My Moon Potions (optional for the rituals)

Looking forward to seeing you LIVE on Monday Oct. 8th, 2018!!!

Feel free to share this on your social media outlets!! I would love to reach as many people as I can. It's always my mission in life to help assit others...and I would LOVE to have a big group for these Rituals! I can't wait to share this Magick with you!!

Sending You...

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

(909) 851-4305

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