Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Sign Element: Air
Planet: Uranus
Moon Age: 14.5 Days
Visibility: 99.9%
Phase: Full/Mother Phase
Season/Moon Name: Hay Moon, Wort Moon, Blessing Moon
Wheel of the Year: Lughnasadh/Lammas

Happy Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse!!!
Hope your July has been fabulous!? It totally flew on by didn't it!?
I've been a busy bee working on my next class I will be offering this Fall!! Keep your eyes open for that!!
Also, If you follow me on saw I'm doing a "Give-A-Way" for my Newest Potion called "Namaste Spray" Meditation Potion!!
If you don't follow me on IG and would like to enter to win....CLICK HERE to be taken to my IG and follow the instructions on how to enter! Winner will be announced on July 31st, 2018!! May the odds be forever in your favor dear MoonLights!!
So...let's get to the juicy information on the energy we will have with our Full Moon in Aquarius!!
What to Expect When the Full Moon is in Aquarius....
A sense of inner freedom and openness is the main energy you will be feeling when the Moon is in Aquarius. Your emotions will be sparked and come to live, and you will be able to express yourself more freely!
You might feel the urge to "treat yourself" to a few things today!! A bit of a shopping spree, a Massage, a Crystal Chakra Balancing, or anything that sounds fun and freeing !! You will be more daring to try new things too during this time! It's a wonderful time to implement new ideas, or start a project that has been on the back burner! Don't be too introspective, take some time to catch up with Friends, Colleagues and Acquaintances.
Best thing to remember for today....don't go overboard with your desires! Make sure you keep everything in balance, as balance is always key! As Aquarius is an Air sign, it's kind of the go with the flow kinda keep that all in mind.

People Born When the Moon Is In Aquarius...
You are eccentric, have a strong need for independence, and can sometimes be moody. You like everything new, as much a possible, you also like to re-invent yourself and enjoy inventing new ideas, possibilities, etc.
Friendly & open towards others, is they way most people would describe you. You are always ready to help. If your Moon sign is might sometimes seem like your bragging to others about your accomplishments...but you don't mean to . Be wise with your words when talking of these things. As you are comfortable everywhere you go, you sometime get bored easily and need change in your life.
Season of The Moon....
Hay Moon, Wort Moon and Blessing Moon as all the names you will hear when the Full Moon is in July!
Our Ancients Ancestors didn't have calendars like us to keep track of when was a good time to harvest etc. For them, they tapped into the elements for their calendars. Hay Moon got it's name as July is the best time to harvest hay. At the same time, the Anglo-Saxon names is also Wort Moon. Wort is an ancient word for herbs. It's the Moon for gathering herbs, replenishing the stores of medicinal plants and drying them in the heat of the summer for the long winter to come.
It's a time for acceptance of strengths and achievements, great for planning for the future and a time of celebration. It's considered the 1st harvest and is the best time to cultivate gratitude for the abundance in our life!
The Wheel of the Year...

This is a celebrations of the 1st harvest and the best time to cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the ambiance in our life!
Lammas takes place on August 1st.
It's a time for acceptance of strengths and achievements, great for planning for the future and a time for celebration! It's the beginning of the end of the hot summer months!
Total Lunar Eclipse...
As we continue onward during our Eclipse season...we have the 2nd Total Lunar Eclipse in 2018 tonight! Get ready for an added layer of intensity during this Full Moon!! The Lunar Eclipse energy enhances the affects like 3 fold!
This Total Lunar Eclipse will be visible in parts of Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. Sadly, if you live in Southern California like me... this Lunar Eclipse will NOT be visible.
This Lunar Eclipse will officially be the longest Eclipse in the 21st century going into totality for 103 minutes.
The Lunar Eclipse can only happen on a Full Moon. This is the only time when it's possible for the Moon to be directly opposite of the Sun in our sky... and pass through the Earth's dark umbral shadow!
This total Lunar Eclipse is also known as a "Blood Moon" as the moon will appear blood red! What happens is the Moon will be entirely inside the Earths dark umbral shadow. ((Umbral: Inner core of total darkness,The disc of the Sun is completely blocked.)) This usually takes place about 1hour 40mins in the umbral. All and all the whole "show" of this Total Lunar Eclipse can last up to 6 hours long as it moves from umbral and back out again.
On the day of the Eclipse, the Full Moon is also at it's furthest from the Earth, making it look much smaller in the sky than usual, making this a Blood Micro Moon Eclipse.
Eclipses always come in pairs. The Lunar Eclipse always occurs 2 weeks before or after a Solar Eclipse. We had our 1st Eclipse of the season on July 13th, 2018 (partial Solar Eclipse)
The Next Eclipse we will have is a Solar Eclipse on August 11th, 2018 (3rd Eclipse & last of the Season) and it will be a partial Solar Eclipse. Remember to be kind to your eyes and NEVER look directly into a Solar Eclipse!
ECLIPSES in 2019
Jan. 5th/6th, 2019 Partial Solar Eclipse
Jan. 20th/21st, 2019 Total Lunar Eclipse
July 2nd, 2019 Total Solar Eclipse
July 16th/17th, 2019 Partial Lunar Eclipse
Dec. 26th, 2019 Annular Solar Eclipse
Look For Mars...
During this Total Lunar Eclipse, we have the special treat of seeing Mars up in the sky with the naked eye. Best to be seen July 24th/28th, 2018.
Lots of exciting energy going on!! Make sure you take it easy as we are also in the start of Mercury in Retrograde ( 7/25- 8/18). Communication may be off during this time as well as things might be delayed! Stay positive and keep an eye out for my blog all about the Mercury Retrograde energy!!

Reminder: Full Moon is the best time to cleanse and recharge your Crystal babies... they will love you or it!
Wishing you an amazing Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse night!!

Sending You...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup, CMP
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305