Sign Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Moon Age: 14.6 Days
Visibility: 100.00%
Phase: Full/Mother Phase
Season/Moon Name: Mead Moon, Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon

Happy Happy Full Moon MoonLights!!
Oh yes, it's that time again!! You ready to let some shit go?
We all have something we can let go of....Right? You know, that doesn't serve our highest good! Even something small, letting go of it will make a huge difference!
So I hope this past Moon Cycle has been an amazing one!?
We had Litha/Summer Solstice just recently pass (June 21st) as we celebrated the warm long days of summer.
As for me, I have my upcoming Crystal Class and I'm looking forward to sharing with you how Crystals can assist us with healing for us & our fur babies!!
If you live in the Southern California area (Rancho Cucamonga) and would like to join me... "Crystal Healing...Fur Babies & Beyond" will be held on Saturday June 30th, 2018 from 4-6 PM. PLEASE RSVP (909) 851-4305 for the address.
Cost is $20/per attendee! Please No bringing your animals! The techniques I will teach you, you can try at home at your leaser after class.

Other than that, I've been a busy bee with my schooling!! I recently enrolled over at The School of Witchery! I've been taking courses learning all I can about Herbology! As all good Witches know, knowledge and practicing our craft is key!
So far so good! I'm on my last course already and have learned so much! I'm excited to put all this new knowledge to good use!!
So...let's learn about the energy behind this Full Moon, shall we?!
What to Expect When The Full Moon is in Capricorn...
Are you feeling a bit more responsible today? Well.. then you are feeling the energy behind tonight's moon! During this time, you will become more practical and logical. On the flip side, it's also a time that you might be a bit more demanding than normal towards others & yourself. Watch your tone, as you won't mean to come off as heartless, but it will happen! Focus your energy towards fulfilling professional duties and responsibilities, it will come easier for you to work with precision and pay close attention to detail.
People Born When The Moon is in Capricorn...
You are a very sensitive and emotional person...however your emotions are usually tight and constricted which can manifest itself in hysteria. People might think of you as emotionless because you do have a hard time showing your emotional side. You are a very determined individual. You do however sometimes create your own drama and problems. Again just remember these things and notice if you are doing them, by being aware of it you can work on being the better version of yourself.
Season of the Moon:
As these warmer Summer Months bring the Strawberries into harvest the Algonquin Tribes called this Moon, the Strawberry Moon. The June Full Moon is a time to gather your harvest of all the ripened fruits of your labor!
Other names you will hear the Moon being called Mead Moon, Honey Moon. Both are similar in information. Mead is a very old drink that had some alcohol in it. It is a mixture of both Honey and water. As with the Honey Moon... Honey is in great abundance during this time, thus getting both the names Honey Moon and Mead Moon!
The Moon of the month of Gemini, this period honors twins and the scared marriage of the god and goddess, bringing 2 into 1. Contentment & relaxation. This is also the month of Litha: Summer Solstice: Where we give our attention to positivity, loving connection, going with flow.

Wishing you an amazing Full Moon !!!
Sending you...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup, CMP
"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"
(909) 851-4305