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New Moon in Taurus~May 15th, 2018

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP

Sign Element: Earth

Planet: Venus  

Moon Age: 29.4

Visibility: 0.0%

Phase: New/Dark/Maiden Phase

 Happy New Moon in Taurus MoonLights!! 

Awww yes, another New Moon upon us again!  Time to set those intentions, wishes, dreams, goals.... plant those seeds of what you want in your life and with work and help from Luna and the will be surprised what you can achieve! Make sure during your Ritual tonight, that you look back in your Moon Journal and see all the accomplishments you have made since the last New Moon Ritual!  This is also a good time to write in your journal if you haven't had a chance.  Documenting how things manifest in your life, and quickly is amazing!  Especially if you keep track of it... you will notice how fast it all really happens when we tap into the elements! 


I have been busy working on my next class that I will be offering here soon!! I'm super duper excited!! I've been putting the finishing touches on it and tieing up any loose ends as we speak! 

I enjoy sharing the knowledge I've accumulated along my path! Let's just say... if you get me started on the subject of Crystals... I can go on and on telling you more and more for days!!  

In the past, I've taught 2 classes on the same subject" "The Magick Behind Crystals". This class was all about how Crystals help us, the science behind how they work and how they  assist us!

 CRYSTAL CLASS: March 10th, 2018 

CRYSTAL CLASS: October 21st, 2017 

I'm switching gears a bit on my newest class!!  This one is called "Crystal Healing...Fur Babies & Beyond!" As it says in the title... this is a class all about assisting our Fur babies and other pets in our life with the power of Crystal Healing! I'm so excited to be able to share this with you!! As a Mama to 4 Fur Babies, I use Crystal Healing all the time!  I figured if your an animal lover like me...then this class will be just what the Dr. ordered! 

This class will be limited to 20 participants, as space is limited!  I will have all the details going out soon.  What I can tell you is that it will be on a Saturday  in June, I'm finalizing the date now.

Be on the look out for more info! 

Let's move onward to the energy behind this New Moon, shall we? 

What to Expect When the New Moon is in Taurus... 

Tension will start to drop as the Moon transitions from the Fiery Aries to Taurus!  You will notice a sense of calmness and peace.  It's a time where you will feel more safe and secure.  

However, you might notice your thoughts and reactions have slowed down a bit, causing the difficulty to start new projects or things you wish to manifest in your life. However, knowing this... it's best to try to focus on your home life a bit more at this time.   Do some sprucing up, do some spring cleaning, run some errands to restock supplies at home.  Dedicate this time to doing a bit of maintenance, not only on your home... but yourself too! Make sure you take some time for "Self-Love" you can take a walk, read a book, take a relaxing bath, meditate or enjoy a Crystal Chakra Balancing or Crystal Healing Facial! You matter, so take care of you too! 

Right now, it's best to postpone any important business matters like signing any contracts, as reaction times are slower and it's more likely mistakes will be made.  

People Born When The Moon is in Taurus... 

You of course will be affected strongly by the above! You are usually very calm, cool and composed and some times too much so!  Remember balance is key to everything in this life time.  You enjoy peace and quiet and just staying home, enjoying a good meal!  

Change is not your favorite thing.  You are slow to make change happen for you, you tend to go with the flow of things. It's hard for you to let go when suffer even a small loss, you tend to be afraid of and run from your problems. Again, it's good to know these aspects of you... so you can adjust them as you notice it coming up. 

Moon Facts...

Here on my site, I write about and focus on the 2 Main Moon Phases.  New and Full Moon. However, did you know there are a total of 8 major phases of the Moon!?

Immediately following the New Moon we go into Waxing Moon, for me...I notice that is my extra "get shit done" time!  I have a burst of energy and the intentions that I set on the New Moon start to come together!  After the Full Moon (where we let go of things that no longer serve our highest good) we have the Waning Moon, for me... that is all about a time to rest and recharge to get ready to start some hard core work of manifesting again!  

Take a peek at the 8 Major Phases below! 

 I hope you are having an amazing May!  It's crazy to think how fast this year is going!? Honestly!!  To think last year my Daughter Graduated High School, and now she's been out for a solid year!! Wow!  Time Flies when your having fun!! Wishing you an amazingly Moon-Tastic New Moon!! 

If you are needed guidance on how to do a New Moon Ritual... please contact me, I offer a service where I come to you LIVE via FaceTime or Skype and guide you though my New Moon Ritual!  Only $20 and 1 hour of your time will get you started manifesting the things you thought only dreams are made of!! Let's make them a reality!

Contact me today! 

Sending you....

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs, 

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy" 

(909) 851-4305 

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