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New Moon in Pisces...March 17th, 2018

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP

Sign Element: Water

Planet: Neptune

Moon Age: 0.0 days

Visibility: 0.0%

Phase: New/Dark/Maiden Phase

Happy New Moon in Pisces MoonLights!!!

This Month has been awesome so far for me!! Hope the same for you? I was able to do my Class "The Magick Behind Crystals!!" I had a great turn out and I enjoyed sharing all about Crystals, how they work & why, as well as the Science behind their Magick!

I appreciate the people who traveled near & far in the elements ((Raining Big Time)) to come out and learn more about these lovely gifts from Gaia!! As we know... spring showers bring May Flowers!!

Here in California, we didn't seem to get much of a Winter. We have gotten a few rain storms here and there lately, now we are getting ready to head into Spring here super duper soon... so all these showers aren't too much of a surprise really! Just make sure you drive safe my California Friends more rain is on the way... we really aren't used to this stuff!

Now we are here at our New Moon of the Month!! This is the time to plant those seeds of intention!!

What is it you want to manifest in your life right now? March 17th is the day to dig up some dirt, bury those seeds and with time...patients and attention to them... they will grow into what you have desired! It's a powerful tool that we get to tap into!! I always look forward to working with the Lunar Energy!

Let's learn more about the energy behind this Moon!!!

What to Expect When the New Moon is in Pisces...

Romance is in the air, when the New Moon is in Pisces! Get ready for romantic feeling, heightened intuition!! You will also be in a more mystical mood too! Things of the unknown will draw your curiosity as well as religion and magic. You will notice you will become more sentimental and sweeter during this time. You will start to speak more gentler, kinder words and give more compliments to loved ones. During this time, you will have more of an understanding of hidden meaning of life, events or things that have been going on. You will enjoy the beauty of art, poetry and music much more during this time. Tonight would be a great time to visit a theater, museums or art exhibit. Take some time to read a good book, or watch a movie, enjoy this loving, watery sign tonight!

Mediate & allow some self love time by taking a nice New Moon Ritual Bath ((Try: Bridge'ts Brew...Lunar Love Bath Potion)).

People Born When the New Moon is in Pisces...

The affects listed above will affect you more strongly if you were born when the Moon is in Pisces, all in a positive way! You are one that is blessed with intuition. You are very patient and always are ready to help others! You are a kind soul who is tender, selfless and enjoy life. You enjoy the arts and are attracted to learning a musical instrument.

Well enjoy this months New Moon!! If you ever have questions or need more insight on what is in your best interests to ask for your New Moon Ritual... I can always do a Tarot Card Reading for you on insight!! You can book online and I offer in person, Live Skype/FaceTime readings as well as email readings for a quick answer! I got you covered! Feel free to reach out!

Have an amazing New Moon !!!

Sending You...

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP

"The Crystal Healing Gypsy"

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