Sign Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Moon Age: 14.3
Visibility: 99.8%
Phase: Full/Mother
Phase Season/Moon Name: Wolf Moon, Chaste Moon

It's officially our 1st Full Moon of 2018!!
Can you believe 2018 is officially here? Crazy huh? 2017 seemed to go in a wink!! I believe it's because we are all enjoying life here! I'm ready for the new exciting things and changes to come in 2018... new possibilities!! As Cancer is my rising sign, I'm super excited that I get to start the new year off with this full moon in Cancer!
One of the best things to note is we all survived Mercury in Retrograde... man that was a doozie!! Lots of things happened during this retrograde for me!! I'm glad it's over and we can all focus on 2018 in an easier way. Mercury went direct on Dec. 23rd, 2017. We have some months before the next one (March 2018) so enjoy this time where communication/technologies etc will be at it's best!
Another cool things about the start to 2018 is we get 2 Full Moons!! Yep, the 1st one is of course the 1st of Jan. and the 2nd Full Moon/Blue Moon in the month will happen on Jan. 31st , 2018... which also will be a Lunar Eclipse as well! So much going on within the first month of 2018!!! So exciting!
Since there is so much going on in Jan. 2018 with the Moon and Universe, I thought I'd make this handy outline with the dates so you won't miss any of them!!
1st = First Full Moon in 2018 (Cancer)
3rd/4th=Quadrantids meteor shower
31st= Full Moon/SuperMoon/Blue Moon (Leo)
31st= Total Lunar Eclipse
As we plan out our rituals for this Full Moon, it's the perfect time to let go of the things that no longer serve us as we enter in 2018. If you need help or guidance doing a Full Moon Ritual... please reach out to me and I'd love to help guide you. Moon Rituals are a very powerful tool and I love working with the Lunar Energy!!
If your interested... you can book online, I will then do a LIVE FaceTime/Skype feed with you walking you through the process of my Full Moon Rituals! Looking forward to helping you make magick in your life soon!
Order your "Set Free" Full Moon Release Potion to enhance your Ritual!
What to Expect When the Full Moon is in Cancer...
As Cancer is a water sign, it will bring along some emotions that could bubble up to the surface. It's a time when we become more sensitive and go deep into our inner selfs. During this time, don't rush yourself into making decisions, spend time in a relaxed environment where you feel comfortable.
Remember balance is key always! Don't become too lazy today, as it will just allow negative feeling to come along.
People Born When the Moon is in Cancer...
You will be affected by the above strongly, so take note! You are a sensitive being, with that.. you are also very intuitive and have developed following your intuition quite well. You are a romantic and a dreamer. You have a strong psychic power within you. Continue to learn to harness these gifts.
Season Of The Moon...
Wolf Moon/Chaste Moon: The most vocal time you will hear the Wolfs howl is during the first part of the year. Thus our Native American Ancients naming this Full Moon, Wolf Moon!
A time of awakening, envisioning, beginning and conceiving, rest, protection. Calls for cleaning and rental as the new year begins, it’s a time for starting over, washing away the past, and fresh beginnings.

As we start the New Year off, I wanted to also share with you a little Numerology too!
As a Certified Numerologist , I can tell you the energy behind 2018 that will affect all of us. For the year 2018, it's added up and the number behind the energy this year is the number 11 (master number) !!!

So, with that... it basically means that throughout the year the Universe will be going through a time of Illumination.
Things will be brought into the light and people will start to take ownership of the ways they act towards themselves and others.
It will be the year of inspiration... (watch you'll start to hear this a lot in 2018... "I've been inspired") This will also we a year of spirituality.. where more and more people will be on their journeys of self-discovery.
We will all be setting good examples for others as the 2018 unfolds, as well as being a positive motivators throughout the year. As this is a very exciting year ahead, we need to make sure the opposite to this energy doesn't get too dominate... that would be... being too much of a dreamer!
You can make dreams into reality... if you believe you can make them happen you will! Believe and know that 2018 will be the year that others are inspired, more spiritual, caring and loving towards another!
Here's to an amazing 11 year!
Let's make 2018 the best one yet!!!
As always, I'm here if you have questions or need assistance with Moon work!
Do you wonder what 2018 will bring for you???
Get your Full 2018 Reading by me!

I will tell you what will happen each month in 2018 for you!
There are a few options for your reading...
1. LIVE FaceTime/Skype
2. Phone
3. Email
4. In Person (if you live in Southern California)
Let me know which way you prefer?
This reading will take an hour and cost $60
(only $1 per minute to know what your future holds in 2018)

Sending you...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup, CMP