It's New Moon Time again!!! Happy New Moon In Virgo!
Sign Element: Earth
Planet: Mercury
Moon Age: 29.1 days
Visibility: 0.2%
Phase: New/Dark/Maiden Phase

With this New Moon upon us, it's the best time to ask for the things we want to manifest into our life. I myself enjoy doing my New Moon Ritual. I have noticed how amazing it is to work with the energy of Luna and the Universe. I have been blessed over and over, time and time again... I'm abundant in my abilities and things that I dream and wish for. That is why I find it so very important to take the time to do my Moon Rituals. The things I accomplish in a single Lunar Cycle is quite impressive!!
So tonight, why not put your thoughts and dreams & wishes into action!! It's time to manifest!! Make it happen! Plant those seeds of intention!!
If you aren't sure how to do this... then please contact me and I'd love to do a LIVE Guided New Moon Ritual with you.
What to expect when the New Moon is in Virgo...
It a time when you will notice you become more rational and practical. Small details will become more important than they are in reality. This could lead you towards arguments with others, just note this so if you feel this sneaking up... you can realize it and not overreact. During this time, you will also feel more responsible and disciplined. Take this time to continue to do your routine work and concentrate on the details of your hard work today. Control your thoughts and enjoy a good relaxing night with candle light and incense.
People Born When the Moon is in Virgo...
You are detailed and accurate. You like to have things in order, and like to set and follow rules. You are not demanding and you can sometimes be shy. All the above things about what to expect when the Moon is in Virgo will affect you a bit more as well. You are a down to earth type person. You are a humble person and don't need to be put in the spot light. You love to help others and it brings you happiness to do so.
Do you know your Moon Sign??
Make sure you fly on into my Store Bridget's Brew... and pick up your bottle of "Wish It Be" New Moon Potion. This potion will help you manifest the things in your life!!
Order online! CLICK TO BUY

Happy New Moon My MoonLights...
Sending You...
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup, CMP