Happy Lughnasadh To You!!

This year is speeding towards the tail end very soon!! I have had an amazing year up to this point and I hope the same for you!!
Yes, I had some challenges this year within my family, as my Daughter had a flare up with her Crohn's but... I'm even grateful for that, as we were able to meet the people and do our research to get her what she needed to get her into remission fast!!
Each thing we go through allows us to grow, and for that I'm thankful!
As we celebrate Lughnasadh.... I think back on all I'm grateful for. I'm grateful for all the love and support I receive from my family and friends! I'm thankful for the harvest of my labor that is abundant in my herb garden. My garden started out small this year and grew! I have never had a green thumb in years past, but as I have grown as a Witch. I have learned to harness new things and to work even more with the elements!
I have worked with my Chakra's and have become more connected to all that is around me! I am connected to all living beings small and large. I appreciate being able to grow and learn more this year!
I for one, enjoy Fall... it is my favorite time of the year! I even got married purposely in October because I love Fall so much!
I love seeing the leaves change colors, to be able to wear boots and warm clothes, plus...my favorite, it's the best time to redecorate or add decorations to my house as fall bring Halloween, which is my home decor!
To balance fall out, I also enjoy the Spring season.. seeing the first sprouts of life making a come back! Seeing the lovely leaves and flowers bloom... loveliness! What is your favorite season?
Lughnasadh or Lammas, is celebrated on August 1st...half way between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox.
You probably are wondering by now, what Lughnasadh is? Well... let me break it down!
This is the celebration of of the first crops being harvested. Usually these crops consist of berries, grains and corn. It's a time to recognize that the long Summer months will soon be coming to an end. It's a time to be grateful and thankful for the abundance of things in our lives. This celebration dates all the way back to the 15th century and originates as a Gaelic Festival that marks the beginning of the harvest season. It gets it's name from the Irish God Lugh who is the God of Light, Fire and the Sun.
1. Decorate! Revamp your Alter to show your thanks for the harvest. I will share a pictures of the bouquet I put together for my Alter this year.
2. Bake! As this is the time to celebrate the 1st crops being harvested... baking breads is the perfect way to share and spread some cheer.
3. Make a Harvest Meal. As we go from the end of Summer and heading into Fall, making a lovely meal consisting of the following is a great way to celebrate the seasons change. Pumpkin soup, Potatoes, Blackberry or Blueberry Pie.
4. Meditate. Take some time out of your day today to go outdoors for a mediation. During your meditation you can give thanks for the abundant things in your life.
5. Sing. You can make up a cute song to sing today! Here is an idea....."The leaves on the trees are falling down, falling down, falling down." (to the tune the Wheels on the Bus)

As we head into my favorite lovely Fall Season... I wish you all Lughnasadh Loves !!!

Sending you
Light, Loves and Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup, CMP