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Bridget M. Shoup, CMP

New Moon in Leo July 23rd, 2017

Happy New Moon in Leo

July 23rd, 2017

Sign Element: Fire

Moon Age: 0.1 days

Visibility: 0.0%

Phase: New/Dark/Maiden Phase

It's time for another lovely New Moon!! I enjoy the New Moon time as it's the best times to plant seeds of intention! These seeds, will grow and bloom into things we'd like to manifest. Having Luna and the Universe be there as support is a huge push in the right direction!! We of course need to put our best foot forward in making our dreams and wishes come true, but the support system of the elements, Luna and the Universe is amazing! Time and time again I have experienced all this 1st hand, thus my continued work with Luna!

With this New Moon upon us yet again... it's a great time to reflect back on the seeds of intentions we planted on the last New Moon! I was able to start more schooling! Us Witches all know, the more knowledge...the more powerful we become!! So... on my last New Moon I asked to enroll at the Numerology University! I did just that! I'm finished up the 1st half of my studies!! I already started my Advanced Numerology classes and have been learning so much! I will be able to offer YOU a Numerology reading real soon! I'm super excited about all this... I've always been into numbers, and I have looked into my own numbers in the past, but this is something now I can share with others!! I decided to take my love for numbers one step further... thus my studies and my being able to share it with you !! Can't wait to tell you more soon!

Again, this is another example on how powerful setting intensions on the New Moon can be! You take the time to plant the seeds, you water them... and things take off !!

What to expect when the Moon is in Leo

Ready for some extra energy??? With Leo being a Fire sign... lots of energy with momentum will be coming your way! You will notice during this time you will feel more optimistic too! This is a super great thing as for what we feel we attract! You will probably feel the need of recognition during this time, and that is totally normal when the Moon is in Leo. Make sure as you are seeking these words of appreciation, that you don't neglect to tell others how much you appreciate them. Be generous to others and yourself during this time. Remember, what goes around comes around!! Becareful of keeping your fiery-passionate, Lion self in check tonight... don't let things anger you. Also tonight is a good time to celebrate all the many accomplishments you made during this Moon Cycle!! Take the time to give Thanks and congratulate yourself on a job well done!

People born when the Moon is in Leo

Interestingly enough, if you were born when the Moon was in Leo, these things mentioned above will effect you a bit less than others. Leo is ruled by the Sun, which highly effects you...more so than the Moon. You are the open type, you are a leader and you enjoy getting attention from others. You easily impress the people around you, and you are a great storyteller.

Find out your Moon Sign

Pick up my "Wish It Be" New Moon Potion for your Ritual!!

Order Online!!

Wishing everyone a Magickal New Moon in Leo!! May you take the time to set your intentions and may all your dreams and wishes come true!!

New Moon Ritual

If you would like me to guide you through a New Moon Ritual... please contact me!! I can offer my services via FaceTime/Skype.

Sending you...

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP

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