Happy New Moon in Cancer
June 23rd, 2017

Sign Element: Water
Moon Age: 28.8 days
Visibility: 0.6%
Phase: New/Maiden Phase
It's New Moon Time yet again!!! Happy New Moon in Cancer to you!!!
My life got a bit turned upside down towards the end of May into the beginning of June! My Daughter had a sever flare up of her Crohn's disease which landed her a week in the hospital! We had our ups and downs and lots of surprises around each corner during our stay. Luckily she is doing much better now! I want to Thank all the lovely Souls who saw my posts and sent lots of good vibes out into the Universe for her! It really means a lot and made a huge difference. So THANK YOU!
During that time I realized how much power your thoughts and intentions you set each day make a difference! The days that we decided to make the best of the day, even though it wasn't fun and at times stressful... the better the news from the Doctors would get and the better things turned around in a more positive direction. As hard as it is going though tuff times, we need to have them and appreciate them...as the tuff times make us stronger and teach us lessons !! We just have to remember to take a step back and change our thinking... what we think we create! Believe me, it's easier said than done... but it's achievable! You just got to take a few deep breaths and change your thinking!
As she is now doing a ton better, we still have a few more test and doctors appointments to go! More good vibes are needed as she has another procedure scheduled at the hospital at the end of this month. Much appreciated Good Vibes Please!
I for one am looking forward to doing my New Moon Ritual! I missed the last New Moon Ritual b/c of all the things going on with my families personal life... I honestly missed it a ton too! So I'm excited to set some new intentions during this New Moon and get back into the swing of things!
I was able to do my Full Moon Ritual on June 9th, which was much needed after the hospital trip, I had lots to release and set free from my life!
I realized by missing that one New Moon Ritual on May 25th...I felt lacking! I have come to really enjoy that time with Luna and in fact, this was the 1st ritual I've missed since I started working with Luna back last year... I started working with her powers back in July 2016! Let me just tell you how much abundance and positive change I've been able to welcome into my life... by taking the time to tap into her energy!! It's truly amazing the power of Luna, Crystal Devas, the Universe, Spirit Guides and Spirit Animals!! Working with all the elements is also such a powerful tool to tap into and I enjoy it immensely!
If you are interested in how I do my Rituals.. I'd love to guide you through a New Moon Ritual. Contact me to book your appointment today! I can do a live guided rituals with you via Skype/FaceTime!

Ok... enough about me!! Onward to some information about this awesome New Moon in Cancer !!
What to expect with the Moon is in Cancer
Be ready for some deep sensitive feeling to bubble up to the surface! With our New Moon in Cancer, this is bound to happen. You might notice it brings up past feelings. As we can't control the past, we can forge forward on the path we want! Tonight is the best time to plant those seeds of intentions!! Doesn't matter, small or big.... start making your dreams & wishes a reality, by connecting with Luna & the Universe tonight to make it all get set into motion. You might feel the need to go deep into your inner world, rather than being out and about. That's ok! Take your time when making decisions. Today is a great day to spend some "me" or "Self-Love" time. Do things that make you feel comfortable: take a Ritual bath, meditate, take a walk, read a book... do whatever calls to you!
Make sure you control your thoughts during this time and do everything in moderation.
As the New Moon is in Cancer by 2 degrees... this time around, there will be some strong influences from Gemini as it's actually located in the Gemini Constellation. Therefore, you will also feel the need to want to make some plans and you will probably come up with some awesome ideas during this time as well.
The Moon moves quickly though the 12 zodiac signs. Approximately every 2-3 days it changes in fact. Normally the Moon will enter into the zodiac 13 times per month.
People born when the Moon is in Cancer
You will feel overly sensitive today.... being that Cancer is a water sign and water signs are associated with emotions. The things I listed above will effect you double time as you were born when the Moon was in Cancer. Do fear though... remember to take it easy today! You might want to consider wearing Smoky Quartz...as it will help any negative feelings that creep up and transmute them into positive. As you are a sensitive Soul, your also very intuitive. You have a strong romantic side and you are a dreamer. Use this time during the New Moon to make your dreams come true! Make sure you set your intentions with Luna tonight and it will become your reality!
~The Moon is getting further away: The Moon is moving approx. 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) away from our planet Earth each year. It's estimated that it will continue to do so for around 50 billion years. By the time that happens, the Moon will be taking around 47 days to orbit the Earth instead of the current 27.3 days.
~The surface of the Moon features a huge number of impact craters from comets and asteroids that have collided with the surface over time. Due to the fact that the Moon lacks an atmosphere or weather, these craters remain well preserved.
~The Moon is very hot during the day but very cold at night. The average surface temperature of the Moon is 225 degrees Fahrenheit (107 degrees Celsius) during the day.
Wishing you a magical New Moon in Cancer!!
Make sure you set your intentions as they are so powerful!! Also, set your Crystal Babies out under the New Moon so they can recharge!!

Sending you Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup, CMP, RM, CCH,CA
Pick up my "Wish It Be" New Moon Potion for your upcoming ritual
Here is more information...
"Wish It Be" New Moon Potion was made under the light of the new moon on Jan. 27th, 2017 under the sign of Aquarius.
This Manifestation Potion is made to bring all that you dream and desire into your life! Use this potion along with Luna's New Moon Power to manifest things to come!"Wish It Be" is intended to use with your New Moon rituals. After you have grounded yourself & before asking Luna & The Universe for inspiration for intentions you'd like to set... take a small amount and apply it to your 3rd Eye. Rub any of the remaining into your hands. This is going to open your 3rd Eye so you will know exactly what your soul desires.
The Potion is in a 2.36 x 1.65 inch bottle, This brew is a combination of Ylang-Ylang, Bergamot, and Peppermint Essential oils along with a base of Sweet Almond Oil. Each bottle comes with 3 Enchanted Citrine Crystals . Citrine Crystals are known for bringing abundance and manifestation into your life.
Each order will also come with the "Wish It Be" Affirmation written by Bridget, just for you!
Bridget M. Shoup is a CA (Certified Aromatherapist), CCH (Certified Crystal Healer)
Explanation of EO's:
Ylang-Ylang: Calms, brings joy and enthusiasm, boosts self confidence, brings positive emotions, brings body, mind and spirit into alignment.
Bergamot: Calms, encourages determination & will power, helps you go with the flow of life, relax & helps you to trust the universe, releases fear of unknown, helps us become clear about our mission.
Peppermint: Encourages, Brings self acceptance, increase sensitivity/perception/awareness, increases intuitiveness, helps w/ resistance to learn new things, helps you move in a new direction, eliminates fear of unknown.
Explanation of Citrine: Known as the Stone of Abundance and Manifestation. Brings about imagination & personal will. Sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes in to tangible form, encourages fullness of life, fresh beginnings and new pursuits.
NOTE: If you have skin cancer, or are pregnant...please do not use this product as the Bergamot essential oil could cause you issues!
Disclaimer:Essential Oils are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. The above herbal information does not constitute medical advice and should not be misinterpreted as such. Individual results may vary. If your pregnant, in your 1st trimester, or trying to get pregnant, or nursing...avoid the use of Essential Oils!