Wednesday April 26th, 2017
New Moon in Taurus
Sign Element: Earth
Moon Age: 0.4 days
Visibility: 0.2%
Phase: New/Maiden Phase

What to expect when the New Moon is in Taurus...
If you have been feeling tension lately... that is all about to change when the New Moon goes into the sign of Taurus! You will start to feel a feeling of peace and calm, a feeling of stability and security will also come over you. As the New Moon is a time for planting new seeds of intention, you might want to consider starting a new exercise routine, picking up new reading material, or something new to study. Make sure you practice generosity to others and yourself, everything you do will come back multiplied!
During this time, you might also notice you will slow down your thoughts and actions.
It's a good time to maintain things surrounding you. Run some errands and restock things your low on at home. Due to slow reaction times right now, it's not a good idea to sign any agreements... try to postpone any such activity.
The New Moon is the best time to reflect back on the last New Moon we had. What intentions did you set? Did they become reality? Journal about it!
Some times when we set dreams, goals or wishes on the New Moon ...they take time to manifest into our life! This is especially true if what your asking for is something BIG , like a project etc. Or, sometimes it could just be that the time isn't right for us to have this certain thing happen right now! Either way... every 28-29 days, we get this opportunity yet again to plant new seeds of intention. So if these things didn't manifest quite yet, ask again!!
Of course, we have to put forth our due diligence in making these things manifest into our life... asking Luna, and working with her power and the Universe, will help push us along in achieving what we set forth to do!

I'm really excited because on this New Moon... I'm starting New Studies! As you already know, I'm your Certified Lunar Mystic... but all good Witches know it's super important to practice and learn even more about our craft! So, I decided to dive even deeper into my connection with Luna and signed up for an additional month long course called "Moon Phases 101" which is a course by The Moon Sisterhood. I'm super excited to learn even more!! I have also just finished a book I got for my Birthday called "Moon Spells." I enjoyed that book a ton and am excited to work some more magick soon!

Thanks to everyone who joined me on my Full Moon Ritual I did Live on April 10th, 2017. It was so super to be able to share what I have learned with you and help empower you!! It was extra special to have gotten a chance to respond to you guys LIVE when you chatted!!
If you would like me to be guide you in a New Moon Ritual... please contact me and book online to set up a LIVE Personal New Moon Ritual. I can connect with you via FaceTime or Skype!!
You will be most strongly affected with the above information. Your usually pretty calm and chill. You are peaceful, quiet and like the comfort of your home, good food, and are not easily moved! Taurus are not one who enjoy change. You tend to be scared of facing a problem head on and shy away from conflict.

Happy New Moon, My MoonBeams...
Sending you Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,
Bridget M. Shoup, CMP, RM, CCH, CA
Make sure you head on over to Bridget's Brew Shop to pick up your own "Wish It Be" Manifestation Potion (New Moon Potion)
Here is more information...
"Wish It Be" New Moon Potion was made under the light of the new moon on Jan. 27th, 2017 under the sign of Aquarius.
This Manifestation Potion is made to bring all that you dream and desire into your life! Use this potion along with Luna's New Moon Power to manifest things to come!"Wish It Be" is intended to use with your New Moon rituals. After you have grounded yourself & before asking Luna & The Universe for inspiration for intentions you'd like to set... take a small amount and apply it to your 3rd Eye. Rub any of the remaining into your hands. This is going to open your 3rd Eye so you will know exactly what your soul desires.
The Potion is in a 2.36 x 1.65 inch bottle, This brew is a combination of Ylang-Ylang, Bergamot, and Peppermint Essential oils along with a base of Sweet Almond Oil. Each bottle comes with 3 Enchanted Citrine Crystals . Citrine Crystals are known for bringing abundance and manifestation into your life.
Each order will also come with the "Wish It Be" Affirmation written by Bridget, just for you!
Bridget M. Shoup is a CA (Certified Aromatherapist), CCH (Certified Crystal Healer)
Explanation of EO's:
Ylang-Ylang: Calms, brings joy and enthusiasm, boosts self confidence, brings positive emotions, brings body, mind and spirit into alignment.
Bergamot: Calms, encourages determination & will power, helps you go with the flow of life, relax & helps you to trust the universe, releases fear of unknown, helps us become clear about our mission.
Peppermint: Encourages, Brings self acceptance, increase sensitivity/perception/awareness, increases intuitiveness, helps w/ resistance to learn new things, helps you move in a new direction, eliminates fear of unknown.
Explanation of Citrine: Known as the Stone of Abundance and Manifestation. Brings about imagination & personal will. Sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes in to tangible form, encourages fullness of life, fresh beginnings and new pursuits.
NOTE: If you have skin cancer, or are pregnant...please do not use this product as the Bergamot essential oil could cause you issues!
Disclaimer:Essential Oils are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. The above herbal information does not constitute medical advice and should not be misinterpreted as such. Individual results may vary. If your pregnant, in your 1st trimester, or trying to get pregnant, or nursing...avoid the use of Essential Oils!