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New Moon in Aries March 27th, 2017

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP

Monday, March 27th, 2017 New Moon in Aries

Sign Element: Fire

Moon Age: 29.2 Days

Visibility: 0.1%

Phase: New/Maiden Phase

What to expect when the New Moon is in Aries...

The Moon is working it's way into the zodiac of Aries this coming Monday, March 27th, 2017. This will be a dark New Moon!! The New Moon is the best time to plant the seeds of intentions and do rituals to help you accomplish just that!

Aries are a fiery sign so you can and will accomplish a lot today! You will notice you have more energy to make things happen. On the other hand, emotions will be running high and you'll notice that! Try your very best to control your thoughts and practice restraint and humility during this New Moon in Aries. Do everything in moderation too! This is a good time to take a minute to look back at the intentions you set on the last New Moon and reevaluate them and take note of all the amazing things you have accomplished since then!

Another word of caution is to avoid conflict or things that annoy you as the New Moon energy is tense in Aries. It's best to free your self of the things that bother you and to limit your exposure to these things.

It's a super great idea to take a shower or bath at the end of the day to wash away any low vibrations or negative energy you might have picked up throughout your day. Take this time to yourself! Relax.. Burn some incense or candles to help you unwind.

For an additional boost of self love... take a bath with your favorite crystals and some essential oils.

Do You know an Aries?


Fearless, decisive and impulsive are a few ways to describe an Aries. They like to change the world to their liking, and makes it their personal journey to do just that. They get easily excited, swept by emotions and take on any new business. They can also lose interest, get disappointed and shift their attention to something new just as fast! They have bundles of energy and enjoy a new adventure and seek out excitement.

Happy New Moon, My MoonBeams...

Sending you Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

Bridget M. Shoup, CMP, RM, CCH, CA

Make sure you head on over to Bridget's Brew Shop to pick up your own "Wish It Be" Manifestation Potion (New Moon Potion.

Here is more information...

"Wish It Be" New Moon Potion was made under the light of the new moon on Jan. 27th, 2017 under the sign of Aquarius.

This Manifestation Potion is made to bring all that you dream and desire into your life! Use this potion along with Luna's New Moon Power to manifest things to come!"Wish It Be" is intended to use with your New Moon rituals. After you have grounded yourself & before asking Luna & The Universe for inspiration for intensions you'd like to set... take a small amount and apply it to your 3rd Eye. Rub any of the remaining into your hands. This is going to open your 3rd Eye so you will know exactly what your soul desires.

The Potion is in a 2.36 x 1.65 inch bottle, This brew is a combination of Ylang-Ylang, Bergamot, and Peppermint Essential oils along with a base of Sweet Almond Oil. Each bottle comes with 3 Enchanted Citrine Crystals . Citrine Crystals are known for bringing abundance and manifestation into your life.

Each order will also come with the "Wish It Be" Affirmation written by Bridget, just for you!

Bridget M. Shoup is a CA (Certified Aromatherapist), CCH (Certified Crystal Healer)

Explanation of EO's:

Ylang-Ylang: Calms, brings joy and enthusiasm, boosts self confidence, brings positive emotions, brings body, mind and spirit into alignment.

Bergamot: Calms, encourages determination & will power, helps you go with the flow of life, relax & helps you to trust the universe, releases fear of unknown, helps us become clear about our mission.

Peppermint: Encourages, Brings self acceptance, increase sensitivity/perception/awareness, increases intuitiveness, helps w/ resistance to learn new things, helps you move in a new direction, eliminates fear of unknown.

Explanation of Citrine: Known as the Stone of Abundance and Manifestation. Brings about imagination & personal will. Sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes in to tangible form, encourages fullness of life, fresh beginnings and new pursuits.

NOTE: If you have skin cancer, or are pregnant...please do not use this product as the Bergamot essential oil could cause you issues!

Disclaimer:Essential Oils are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. The above herbal information does not constitute medical advice and should not be misinterpreted as such. Individual results may vary. If your pregnant, in your 1st trimester, or trying to get pregnant, or nursing...avoid the use of Essential Oils!

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