Welcome to my New Website...
B*MoonStruck !!!

Well Hello there and Welcome!! Let me tell you all about B*MoonStruck while your here, and what I have to offer you!!
So I wanted to start a New website so I could share with everyone the new things I have learned. I'm so super excited to have learned all about the power within and how you can change your life.
I decided to take a journey of personal self-discovery which lead me to enrolling in some courses to become a CMP (Certified Metaphysical Practitioner).
Along the way I have learned how to work with Luna to manifest things into my life. I have learned to work with Crystal energy for healing. I've also learned how to balance Chakras and I'm a Tarot Reader! In addition to all of this, I'm a Certified Aromatherapist. In fact, I have been Certified in all the following you just read and I'm excited to share these things I've learned with you!!
I've often said to people when I talk about Crystal Healing, etc. that it's something that has been around since the ancient times! What happened is greed... yep $$$ money honey... and next thing you know, the drug companies took center stage as the Doctors would start prescribing them to patients getting kick-backs and that sort of thing. Do I think that's a bad thing? No, not necessarily !
But... I think that there are better ways of dealing with your illnesses and aliments than popping pills.
Healing your Energetic body can and will do you wonders!! I think that Crystal Healing/Chakra Balancing in combination with your Doctors advice, can and will do amazing things!
Crystals and Aromatherapy kinda got pushed to the back of the cupboard... and I feel it's my job to share what I've learned with YOU!! This holistic approach to things is the best in my opinion! I say all the time... how do people not know about this stuff?? Well...I Guess I was called to share this with you, and I plan to do my part to share!!
That's how my Website was BORN...
It really did take quite a few months of trying to figure out the purrrfect name for my site!! It changed many times and then finally one day, I was shopping and it came to me... hit me like a bolt of lightening!!
To me B*MoonStruck is exactly what it says...
BE One with the Moon
Work with the Energies around You
BE Who you want to Be!
Also... as a side note B*MoonStuck is ME..it's my initials...
B (Bridget) B*
M (Marie) Moon
S (Shoup) Struck
I drew up my logo to reflect me the "B" in the Witches hat. Then of course I had to have a Crystal incorporated in there somewhere, so I came up with the Crystal Ball!! To top it off I added the Triple Goddess.... with a pentagram (as the pentagram is all the elements combined that I work with).
My Friend Mark Gerardi helped smooth out my sketchy edges of my work and I super appreciate and love the final product of my logo!
So there you have it!! I really hope you enjoy your time exploring here!!
I'm looking forward to answering your questions and working with you!!!
Remember B* Who you Want to B*....
Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,