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Bridget M. Shoup, CMP

So.. just like that, I have my own shop on Etsy !

I present to you.. Bridget's Brew!!

I have developed some Tune-Up Potions to help you maintain your day!

See... just like cars need care.... sometimes Tune-Ups or they need their batteries Recharged, We need that too!

For us, a recharge would be a Chakra Balancing...

(which I do offer as a service!)

As for Tune-Ups, we now have Bridget's Brew Tune-Up Potions!

My Tune-Up Potions are there to help you..... I thought of everything thing from Energy Boosts, Calming, Sore Muscles, Good Luck, and Courage!

Each Tune-Up Potion comes with and Enchanted Crystal Chip that will enhance the Potions intent!

Head on over to my NEW SHOP Bridget's Brew and pick one up today!!

I'm so very excited to share these with you and look forward to helping you along your journey in life!

Light, Loves & Lunar Hugs,

***Bridget M. Shoup***

Disclaimer: Essential Oils are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. The above herbal information does not constitute medical advice and should not be misinterpreted as such. Individual results may vary. If your pregnant, in your 1st trimester, or trying to get pregnant, or nursing...avoid the use of Essential Oils!

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